Tenant Transfer Wizard

Go to Processes>>Tenant Transfer Wizard

This program will transfer a tenant to another unit.  Suggested transactions for transferring   rent, security deposit and tenant balances are shown.

See Also:

Tenant Transfer Wizard - Welcome

Tenant Information

The tenant may be selected using the tenant number or last name fields.

Tenant Number

Enter or select the Tenant Number or leave this field blank to select the tenant by last name.

When a tenant is selected by last name their tenant number will be filled in.

Last Name

Enter or select a tenant by their Last Name.  If the tenant number was used to select the tenant their last name will be shown.

First Name

The First Name of the selected tenant will be displayed.


The Middle initial or name of the selected tenant will be displayed.

Transfer Information

Transfer Out Date

Enter or select the transfer out date.

Reason Code

Select the reason for the transfer from the drop down list.


The description of the selected reason code will be displayed.

Transaction Date

The program will default to the current date.  The date may be changed.

See Also:

Steps for End of Month Processing

New Mailing Address (If different than New Unit Address)

Address Line 1

Enter new mailing address information if applicable.  This area may be left blank.

Address Line 2

Enter any additional mailing address information.  This area may be left blank.

City, State and Zip Code

Enter the city, state and zip code information for a new mailing address.  This area may be left blank.


Click the next button to continue with the transfer process and move to the Transaction page.


Click the close button to close the program without transferring the tenant.

Tenant Transfer Wizard - Transactions

Current Transactions

The current transaction grid displays the tenant's current activity.

Current Balance

The tenant's current balance will be displayed.

S/D Required and Held

This area displays security deposit balances from the tenant's file.

Total S/D

Security Deposit totals are displayed for the tenant.

Suggested Transactions

The program will display suggested transactions to transfer balance and security deposit information to the tenant's new unit.


Press the recalculate button to recalculate the Transfer to New Unit amount when additional transactions are entered.

Transfer to New Unit

The total dollar amount to be transferred to the new unit is displayed here.


Click the back button to return to the first page of the transfer wizard.   


Adjusted transaction amounts may return to their default amounts when going back and forth between pages.


Click the next button to continue with the transfer.  All transaction amounts should be verified before proceeding to the next page.


Click the close button to close the transfer wizard.  No transactions or transfers are saved at this point.

Tenant Transfer Wizard - New Unit Information

New Unit Information


Enter or select the area number the tenant is transferring to.


Displays the name of the selected area.


Enter or select the community number the tenant is transferring to.


Displays the name of the selected community.


Enter or select the unit number the tenant is transferring to.


Displays the address of the selected unit.  There are two lines for the address.

Tenant Number

This field does not allow user entry, press the Assign Tenant Suffix button to assign the next available two digit tenant suffix to the tenant and display it in this field.

Assign Tenant Suffix

Click the assign tenant suffix button to give the tenant the next tenant suffix available for that unit.  

New UA

Enter or verify the utility allowance amount for the new unit.

Create Tenant

Click the create tenant button to create the new tenant number.

Setup New Auto Bill Information Grid

New Security Deposit Information


This column displays security deposit information.


Security deposits required amounts for the new unit will be displayed.  The required amounts may be changed if the new unit has different security deposit amounts.


Click the back button to return to the "Transaction" page of the transfer wizard. Adjusted transaction amounts may return to their default amounts when going back and forth between pages.


Click the next button to continue to the "New Unit Transactions" page.


Click the close button to close the Tenant Transfer Wizard program.

Tenant Transfer Wizard - New Unit Transactions

Transactions for New Unit

Suggested transactions for the new unit are shown in the gird.  Additional transactions may be added or the suggested transactions may be edited.

Ending Balance in New Unit

The total of the suggested transactions will be displayed.  If a transaction is added or an amount is edited the ending balance will be affected.


Click the back button to return to the "New Unit Information Page".  Adjusted transaction amounts may return to their default amounts when going back and forth between pages.


Click the next button to continue the transfer.  A "Transfer Confirmation" box will be shown.

A transfer complete information box will be shown.  Click OK.



Click the close button to close the program.  Transactions and entry information will not be saved.

Tenant Transfer Wizard - Forms/Letter


Check any forms or letters shown in the grid that should be printed.


Select one of the following unit options to print the forms/letters for the page:

Letter Date

The letter date is a merge field that may be used in forms or letters.  

Print Form/Letter

Click the print form/letter button to open the Print dialog box as shown below:



The change button may be accessed to select a different printer than the one shown.

Direct to...

Defaults to printer.  Click the drop down arrow to select preview to view the selected forms or letters on screen before printing.


Click the start button to begin printing or previewing the selected pages.


Create/Print 50058

This button is displayed for 50058 properties.  

Click the create/print 50058 button to create 50058 information to print and send to PIC.  

Create/Print 50059

This button is displayed for 50059 properties.

Click the Create/Print 50059 button to generate a 50059.  


Click the finish button to complete the transfer.  

Click "Yes" to print the register (recommended)

Click "No" to close the info box without printing the register (there is no way to reprint the register at a later time)


The transfer is now complete.  It is recommended that the Tenant Information in the New and Old units be reviewed.