Revised:  04/17/2012

Tenant Tracking Codes

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Management Tables>>Tenant Tracking Codes

This program is used to setup tracking codes for use in unlocking a read only tenant file or to add a tracking item.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as clear and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


Enter a new unique code for a tracking item or select an existing code to edit its description.


Enter or edit the description for the tracking code and save.

Leagal Status Update

Select a Legal Status Code to link to a Tracking Code or leave blank if no legal status update is to occur when the tracking code is used for a tenant.

Legal Status Codes are used to turn off one or both of the following:

When a Tracking Code that has been tied to a Legal Status Update option is used, the Legal Charge/Legal Status area on the Accounting tab in the Tenant Master will be updated with the Status Code, Status Date and Late Charge Exemption if applicable.