Revised:  03/21/2013

Tenant Management FSS Worksheet

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>FSS Worksheet

This program is used to enter FSS participation information for a tenant household.

This program is available only when the checkbox for "Is Tenant FSS Participant now or in last year" has been checked on the FSS tab in the Tenant Master.

Function Menu

At the top of the program are standard functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions click here.

Quick Link>>>

The following programs are available from the FSS Worksheet>>Quick Link Menu:


The tenant name and number from the Tenant Master (Active) header will be displayed in red (read only), green (edit mode), black (program is not using enhanced edit and the file can be changed) or blue (an archive copy is open).  The header information may not be changed in this area.

Effective Date of Change

Enter a new effective date or select a previous entry to review.

Create FSS Entry

Click this button to create an FSS entry in Auto Bills in the amount entered for Monthly Credit with the current Effective Date as the start date.


Report Type

Select one of the following types:

Employment Status

Select one of the following:

Date Current Employment Began

If the employment status is full or part time employment enter the date of hire.

Members w/ITSP

Enter or select the number of members with Individual Training and Service Plans.

Years of Education Completed by Head of Household

Enter or select the number of education years for the head of household.

Did Family Receive Selection Preference?

Check the box if the family received preferential selection status.

Number of Children to Receive Services

Enter or select the number of children who will be served in the family.

Check All That Apply

Check all the areas of assistance that the family receives from the following list:

FSS Account Information

Monthly Credit

Enter the amount of the monthly credit the family is to have applied to their account.

Acct Balance

Displays the balance of the FSS funds.


Displays the amount of FSS funds that have been paid out to the family.

Family Services1

For any of the following areas shown on this tab page that apply for the family:

Check the one of the following:

And then select one of the following Service Provider options:

Family Services2

For any of the following areas shown on this tab page that apply for the family:

Check the one of the following:

And then select one of the following Service Provider options:

Escrow Worksheet

This tab page contains information and allows entry for HUD worksheet form 52652:

1.  Current Annual Income

2.  Lower Income Limit

3.  Current Adjusted Income

4.  Earned Income Included

5.  Starting Earned Income

6.  Increase in Earned Inc

7.  Change in Earned Inc

8.  30 Percent of Adjusted

9.  Adj Less Earned Inc.

10.  30 Percent of Line 9

11.  10 Percent of Annual

12.  Welfare Rent

13.  TTP based on Line 9

14.  TTP Change

15.  Current TTP

16.  Original TTP

17.  Current TTP Change

18.  Lower TTP

19.  Very Low Inc Limit

20.  Limit Exceed Amount

21.  30 Percent of Exceeded

22.  FSS Escrow Credit

Print Worksheet

Click this button to bring up a Preview/Print box.  Click Preview to view the form on screen or click print to bring up a Print dialog box to select a printer and print out the report.

Click the cancel button to close the box.


 FSS Worksheet Quick Link Programs

Create FSS Record

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>FSS Worksheet>>Quick Link>>Create FSS Record

Select this option from the menu to create a 50058 FSS record (type 8).  After the process is finished either an error message or a no errors message will be displayed.  

If an error report is generated.  Review the report and correct the errors then run Create FSS Record again.


There may still be errors on the 50058.  When the 50058 is sent electronically to HUD they will perform validations against data that has already been submitted for the tenant or unit.  If HUD finds further errors the 50058 will either be accepted with warnings or rejected with fatal errors.

Print FSS Worksheet

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>FSS Worksheet>>Quick Link>>Print FSS Worksheet

Select this option from the menu to bring up the 50058 Forms (FSS Worksheet) browse box.  

A sample of the browser is shown below:

50058 Selections

The window contains the following information for the FSS 50058 forms:

Delete 50058

This button does not work at this time.


Click the Preview button to view the highlighted 50058 on screen.  The 50058 may be printed from within the preview screen.  For more preview information click here.


Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select a printer and click the print button.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.
