Revised: 11/15/2013

Work Order History

Go to Inquiries>>Work Order History

Work Order

This program is used to view completed and voided work orders.  Completed and voided work orders may also be reopened and printed from the Quick Links menu.

Quick Links

The following menu options are available from the quick link menu:


Work Order Year

The current year will be displayed in this field when the program is opened.  After a work order is selected the year the work order was created will be displayed in this field.

Work Order Number

Enter or select a completed or voided work order to view.


The "type" that was selected when the work order was created will be displayed as one of the following:

Tenant, Site, Fixed Asset or Customer Information

Dependant on the "type" selected when the work order was created the following information will be shown for each specific "type":


The following information, entered when the work order was created will be displayed:

Service Codes

The following information will be displayed, if applicable:

Employee Information

The following information will be displayed, if applicable:


If inventory information was entered when the work order was created, the following information may be displayed:


If a contractor was used in association with the work order the following information may be displayed:

Misc Materials

If any miscellaneous materials were purchased or used for the work order, the following information may be displayed:

Asset Movement

If an asset was moved and associated with the work order, the following information  may be displayed:


Any comments entered for the work order will be displayed.

Work Notes

Work notes entered for the selected work order will be displayed and additional work notes may be added.


This page is used to attach files or scanned documents to the work order.

Document Grid

The document grid will show the following information for attached documents:

Highlight an attachment and click the open button to view the document.


This button will open a "Select a file" dialog box.  Browse to the folder/file that is to be added.  Click the "Open" button or double click the file to attach.

Scan New

This button will open the "Scanning Interface".  

Edit Scan

Highlight an attachment and click the Edit Scan button to add additional pages or edit the scan.


Highlight an attachment and click the Delete button to remove it.   


Highlight an attachment and click the Open button to view the document.

Drag N Drop

Files may be dragged and dropped onto the receiving icon to attach.

Work Order Pics

Work Order pictures may be viewed on this page.


Defaults to Page 1. If there are additional pages of pictures another page number may be selected.

Display Images

Press this button to display pictures for the selected page.

Inspection Pics

Inspection pictures may be viewed on this page.


Defaults to Page 1. If there are additional pages of pictures another page number may be selected.

Display Images

Press this button to display pictures for the selected page.

Work Order Forms

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Print Forms>>Work Order Form...

This menu option will bring up the Print dialog box.  Select a printer and press the Print button.


Horizon Work Order Letter Merge

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Print Forms>>Custom Forms and Letters

This program allows the user to select forms or letters that have been setup in the Merge Template to be printed with merged work order information.


Displays the Work Order Year and Work Order Number or the work order the program was selected from.  A different Work Order may be selected using the Work Order Number field.


In the Horizon Work Order Letter Merge window/grid are descriptions of forms and letters that have been setup in the merge template.  Click in a box to checkmark a letter/form to select it for printing.

Letter Date

Letter date field is a merge field that may be included in the selected form or letter.  The merged field will print any date that is entered or selected here.


Click the print button to bring up the print options dialog box.  The form may still be previewed if preview is selected in the Direct to... field.


Click the close button to close out of the Custom Form and Letters program.

Override Selections

This box may be checked to override some of the print/preview options set in the Merge Template for the form/letter.

For a first time print, leave this box unchecked.

Force Printer Setup

This box may be checked to force a print dialog box to be displayed for the selected form/letter.



Reopen Work Order

Go to Inquiries>>Work Order History>>Re-Open Work Order

This program will display the following message when clicked:

The reopened work order will be found in the Work Order Entry program.

When a voided work order is reopened a confirmation box will be displayed asking if the user wants to Un-void the Work Order.


Print Completed Work Order

Go to Inquiries>>Work Order History>>Completed WO Report

This program will generate a detailed report for the selected Work Order.

Work Order Selection

Work Order Year

The current Work Order year will be displayed.  

Work Order Number

The number will default to the work order number this program was selected from.  Users may select a different work order number to generate a report on.

Report Options


Click the "Preview" button to generate the report and view it on the monitor.  The report may be printed from within the preview screen.


Click the Print button to open a print setup dialog box.  Select a printer and click Print.

Print with Setup

Press the Print with Setup button to open a print dialog box.  Select a printer and press print.


Press the Email button to open an Utitiled Message dialog box with the form attached as a .pdf.


Click the down arrow to the right of Export and select PDF.  This will open a Save dialog box.  Select a folder and click Save.

Clear Selections

Pressing the Clear Selections button will remove the Work Order Number.

Default Printer

The default printer information will be displayed at the bottom of the view.