Horizon Self Support and Help Files


Searching Horizon Help Files

For step by step directions, search our online help files. 

  1. From within the program, click HELP
  2. Horizon Help File will appear in your default internet browser
  3. Click in the SEARCH bar
  4. Type the issue you are having, i.e., refund a pet security deposit, rent payment, tenant move-out, bank reconciliation, void payroll check, etc.
  5. A list will appear with the words you typed. Select the topic you want to review. The example below shows the results if you would type 'tenant refund'.

  6. Once you find the topic, the page options include:
    1. Favorites: to save the topic in your personal list of favorites, click #1
    2. Print: print the topic (#2)
    3. Remove Highlight: the words you typed in the search box will be highlighted. Click button #3 to remove the highlight
    4. In this Topic: the main sections of the help will be shown here; click the link to jump to the section (#4)
