Revised:  11/08/2012

General Ledger Settings

Go to Settings>>General Ledger Settings.

General Ledger Setup

During the initial setup of the Horizon Financial Series, Horizon Personnel will assist in the setup of this program.

Account Control

Account Setup

Segment 1 through Segment 9

Each segment may define a part of your general ledger number.  Each segment should be named, assigned a length, a separator, checked if alphabetical only and , when applicable, linked to another segment.  Segments can be checked as balanced and posting parameters may be selected.

A Horizon Information Implementation person will assist with the setup of the account structure.  Please call the Horizon Help Desk at (814) 535-7810 before making any changes to this area.


Enter a description for the segment. i.e. Fund or Main etc.


Enter a number to indicate how many digits this segment of the account number is.


Select one of the following options to place between segments:


Check this field if the segment is alphabetical.


Select one of the following options or leave blank:


Checking the Balanced column for one or more segments will initiate balance checking for the segment during interfacing or JV posting.   

The Financial module should be closed and then reopened after changing a setting.

Post by

Select one of the following options:

Ask and Required will affect the Interface and posting process in the following manor:

Effective Mask

This field will be filled by the program during the setup of the segments.  

Update Structure

If you have made changes to the general ledger account structure, press this button to complete the process and update files.  After this button is pressed a confirmation box will be shown with the following question "Update Files?  All users must exit.  A completion box will be displayed when complete."

System Information

System Control Numbers

Numbers shown here are updated by the system to track journal entries, receipts, etc.  Information should not be changed in this area unless instructed.

Last Journal Entry Number

Each time a journal entry is assigned a number, this area is updated by the system to reflect the last number used.

Last Receipt Entry Number

This area serves as tracking for the last receipt number used in the program.  This field is updated by the system.

Last System Number

This number is used to track system information and should not be updated/changed by the user unless otherwise instructed by a Horizon Information Implementation or Help Desk personnel.

Last Compression Tracking Number

This number tracks compression information in the Horizon accounting system. This number is incremented by the system and should not be changed unless instructed to do so, by a Horizon Information Implementation or Help Desk personnel.

Main Account Information

Main Segment

One segment of the general ledger account structure may be selected as the "Main Segment".  This information is usually setup during implementation of the module and should not be changed unless instructed to by Horizon personnel.

Auto Create

The information selected here will help determine how allocations will work within the financial module.  Select one of the following:

Accounting Period Control

Master Segment

Select one of the GL Account Segments to be the master segment or "No Control Required".  The master segment is used to support multiple fiscal years.  This GL account segment will be the segment tracked in the Accounting Periods.

This is an optional control and may be left blank or at "No Control Required".

Using Segment Controlled Accounting Periods

Leave this box unchecked if the company only has one Accounting Period to track.  The End of Year Processing and Rebuild General Ledger Reporting will only have the "Master Control" option for each fiscal year.

If this field is checked, the system will support multiple Accounting Periods based upon the Master Segment.  The purpose is to track the opening and closing of each Accounting Period separately.  A fiscal year should be set up for each Master Segment in the Accounting Period Master.

See Also:

Segments Can be in Different Accounting Years

If this option is UNCHECKED then:

If this option is Check Marked then:

See Also:

Default Account Information

Closing Account

If the company has more than one Closing Account, then this setting should be left blank.  When End of Year Processing is run, any general ledger account without a valid Closing Account will stop the closing process.  A list of errors will be reported for you to correct.

If the company has only one Closing Account, then enter the general ledger account number to be used as the default closing account.  When a new general ledger profit and loss type account is being setup in the GL Account Master, the system will default the closing account information to the general ledger account number entered here.  When End of Year Processing is run, any GL account without a Closing Account saved will close to the Account saved here.

Unallocated Account

Enter a general ledger account number to be used in tracking allocation errors. If an allocation is set up with a non existent general ledger number, the amount allocated will be posted to the account setup here.  This account should be reviewed periodically for activity.  The memo field will show "account attempted to be allocated to"/" account allocated from".  The allocated amount may then be transferred to the correct account with a journal entry.

Use Manual Allocation Process

Place a checkmark in this field if manual allocation is to be done instead of automatic.


Select one of the following choices.

Compressed data may be expanded to see detail on the General Ledger Trial Balance and General Ledger Standard Report.  Select "Expanded" as the Level of Detail for the report.

The selected compression will be the default setting for all General Ledger Account Numbers; however, the default maybe changed for each individual account number in the GL Account Master.

Combined Interface

Module Listing

Enter module abbreviations separated by a comma that may be pulled together.

For example:


When making changes to the Settings file, the Financial module should be restarted to have the change become effective.

When this area has been setup, an Interface All option will be found in Utlities>>Pull General Ledger Interfaces.  This program will combine all of the interfaces that were specified into one interface.  Edit lists and error checking are still processed individually.

User Defined

The labels set up here, will be available as user friendly names for fields in the GL Account Master.  These fields do not affect how the account functions and will not appear on reports.  The purpose is for a quick reference about this account number or what transactions should be posted into it.

Note:  For some companies, User Defined fields are used for customized functions.  Please follow the instructions given during training to complete these fields.

User Defined Text Labels

Enter a label for position one through three.  You may choose to setup a name on 1, 2 or 3 labels.  The information to be entered in the GL Account Master for these fields should be alpha-numeric text.  Text entered may be up to 30 characters.

For Example:  Text Label 1 may be set up as  "Fund Name"

In the GL Account Master, an account may have information saved in "Fund Name".  For example:  State Grant.  Users will be able to view this information as a reference.

User Defined Date Labels

Enter a label for a label for position one through three.  You may choose to set up a name on 1, 2, or 3 labels.  The information to be entered in the GL Account Master for these fields should be a date.

For Example:   Date Label 1 may be set up as  "Date Ending"

In the GL Account Master, an account may have information saved in "Date Ending".  For example:  12/31/2014  Users will be able to view this information as a reference.

User Defined Numeric Labels

Enter a label for position one through three.  You may choose to setup a name on 1, 2, or 3 labels.  The information to be entered in the GL Account Master for these fields should be a number.  The number entered may be up to 9,999,999,999,9999.

For Example:  Numeric Label 1 may be set up as "Grant Amount"

In the GL Account Master, an account may have information saved in "Grant Amount".  For example:  20000.0000.  Users will be able to view this information as a reference.

User Defined Ordering

This page of the General Ledger Settings file allows the user to set up to five alternate ways of viewing their account segment order in financial statements and on a General Ledger Trial Balance.

These are optional orderings and may be left blank.

See Also:


Enter a description for the selected order, First Order through Fifth Order.

Segment Order

Select the order you want the segments to print in, positions one through nine.  The total segments should equal the number on the account control tab.  Each segment should only be used once.

Account Mask

Enter the account mask for each segment and separator.  Review the Effective Mask under Account Control in General Ledger Settings for an example.  


There are five optional orders available:

Note:  After you have set up a new order you will need to go back to the Account Control tab.  All other users should be out of the financial program to finish the next step.  On the Account Control tab click the "Update Structure" button.

After the General Ledger Structure has been updated you must close out of the Financial Program and restart the program.