Revised: 04/25/11
Go to Maintain>>Department Rate Tables
This program is only available when Department Mode is checked in the Payroll Settings file.
This program is used to associate a Department Code with a rate table.
Department Rate Tables are used instead of hourly rates for employees. In the Employee Master an employee must be assigned a Department, a Rate Class and a Rate Level. A Rate Table must be setup for the Department Code assigned to the employee.
Enter or select a department code.
Department Codes are setup in the Department Code Master
When a valid department is entered or selected its description will be shown in this field.
Enter an effective date for the table.
You can pull up previous tables by entering a previous effective date.
Enter an appropriate level for each line.
Enter a description for the level on each line.
Enter incremented amounts for 1 - 5 for each line.
Click this button to build a table for a new effective date.
Enter a new effective date for a table then click the build table button.