Revised:  10/08/2013

Section 8 Agent Master

Go to Maintain>>Agent Master

This program is used to enter and maintain Agent information.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and clear.  Click here for more information on functions.


Agent ID

Select an existing agent by the Agent ID or Sort Key.  

For a new Agent, enter a new alphanumeric agent ID up to 8 characters long.  

Sort Key

Enter the Last Name, First Name or Company Name (i.e. Doe, John or ABC Company) for a new entry.  

For an existing sort key, enter or select the appropriate information to view the information for the agent.

Agent Name

Enter the First Name, Last Name or Company Name (i.e. John Doe or ABC Company) for a new landlord or edit the existing agent name.


General Information


Enter, edit or view an agent's address on the lines provided.

City, State and Zip

Enter, edit or view the city, state and zip code information for an agent.

Phone 1 and 2

Enter, edit or view up to 2 phone numbers for the agent.


Enter, edit or view extension information for phone 1 and 2.  


Enter, edit or view phone 1 and 2 descriptions.  

For example:

Cell phone

Home phone

Miscellaneous Information


Be sure to mark a new agent as active.   Select Inactive for agents who have left the program.


Users may enter a designated type for agents.  This is a way to group agents for reporting purposes.  Exact entry of groups is important, misspellings may hinder reports using this feature.

For example:  Use a type of MLTI to group agents who have multiple properties in the program and SNGL to group agents with only one property.  These are only examples, other types may be used.


Select Male or Female for the agent's sex.


Select one of the following for an agent's race:

1099 Information

1099 Information

ID Type

Select the agent's ID type as one of the following if they will be receiving a 1099:

Federal ID  

Enter the Federal EIN or Social Security Number for the agent if they are to receive a 1099.

Income Type

Select the income type for the 1099.  The most common type is 1. Rent.  

Options for selection are:

1.  Rents

2.  Royalties

3.  Other Income

4.  Federal Withholding

5.  Fishing Boat Proceeds

6.  Medical Payments

7.  Nonemployee Compensation

8.  Sub Pay in Lieu of Interest

9.  Direct Sales > $5000.00

    None Selected

Send 1099

Be sure to check this box if the Agent is to receive a 1099 at the end of the year and fill in the federal identification and name control.

Landlords whose checks are sent to an agent will not show those totals in their 1099s.  The checks will be reported as going to the Agent.

Backup Withholding

Place a check in this box if you are doing backup withholding for this landlord.  

Name Control

Name control information is assigned by the program when this field is entered into or the file is saved, if the Send 1999 field is checked.  Name control must be entered when 1099s will be submitted electronically.  Name control regulations can be found in Publication 1220 at


Name Control information is only mandatory if electronic reporting of 1099 information will occur.  The Section 8 module includes a Review 1099 Name Control Information program where name control information can be entered, reviewed or generated for vendors and landlords.  

1099 Mailing Address Information

Type the address to where the 1099 is to be mailed.  If 1099 information will be pulled by 1099 Name Line and Address, the 1099 mailing address should be entered.


Enter the agent's name as it is to appear on the 1099.  This field may be left blank if the 1099 will be pulled by the main Agent name and address.


Enter the agent's address as it is to appear on the 1099.  This field may be left blank if the 1099 will be pulled by the main agent name and address.

City, State and Zip Code

Enter the agent's city, state and zip code as it is to appear on the 1099.   These fields may be left blank if the 1099 will be pulled by the main name and address.

Direct Deposit

Direct Deposit Information

If payments to the agent are to be directly deposited to their account, enter the routing information for the checks.

Routing Number

Enter the agent's bank routing number.   This field may be left blank if the agent will receive a printed check.

Account Number

Enter the agent's bank account number.  This field may be left blank if the agent will receive a printed check.

Account Type

This field may be left blank if the agent will receive a printed check.

Select one of the following account types for the direct deposit:

Payment Summary

Month and Payment Amount

This screen is updated by the system and allows you to see monthly payment totals  to the agent for current year, YTD amount and previous year’s total payments.

The payment information should be reset at the beginning of each year with Rebuild Landlord View Totals.

If totals are not rebuilt the payment information will show multiple year information and totals.