Revised:  02/25/2014

Section 8 Merge Form Setup

Go to Tools>> Merge Setup>> Merge Template

This program is used to setup a letter or form with variables that can pull information from tenant records.

The following information is in this help file:

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as clear and delete.  For more information on functions, click here.



Select an existing code to edit a form/letter or enter a unique code for the form/letter you  will be designing.  The code may be numbers, letters or a combination of both.

Once the code has been entered and saved, it may not be changed.  The description and the design of the form may be changed.


Enter a description for the form/letter you will be designing.  Users will see and use the description to select a letter or form in Custom Forms and Letters


Letter Type

Select one of the following letter types:

Letter types may be changed at any time; however; some variables will not work with some letter types and errors will be displayed for the variables that will not work when the letter is opened for editing in the merge template.

Letters with errors will not print from Custom Forms and Letters.


Enter the number of pages for the letter.  The number of pages may be changed as needed.  Additional pages must also be setup as layers in the Edit Layout (design) area.


Select a Catagory from the drop down menu, if applicable.

Add to Tasks to Complete

When this option is checked for a letter or form.  Information will be added to the list of tenant tasksapplicant tasks for a tenant after the letter or form has been printed for the tenant.

Tracking Code

Select a Tracking Code, if applicable, for the letter or form.

Auto Attach on Printing

Enter a checkmark in the Auto Attach on Printing box to have the letter attached to the Tenant Master>>Attachment Tab for the tenant it is printed for.

Special Options

Preview Only

When this option is checked the letter or form will always preview even when the print button is used.  The letter/form may be printed from within the preview.  This is helpful if the form or letter contains form control boxes to allow for user input before a letter is printed.

Income by Member Mode

When this option is checked for an Income Verification form or letter, a prompt will be displayed allowing users to select the member to print the template for.

Asset by Member Mode

When this option is checked for an Asset Verification form or letter, a prompt will be displayed allowing users to select the member to print the template for.

Deduction by Member Mode

When this option is checked for an Deduction Verification form or letter, a prompt will be displayed allowing users to select the member to print the template for.

Special Selection Options

Always Prompt

This check box option is only available for the following Letter Types:

When checked a selection box will be shown to allow the appropriate member or income/asset information to be selected for printing.

Pick Sample

This area may be left blank, or you may select a tenant whose applicable tenant information will be merged into Edit Layout, Preview Sample or Print Sample in the Merge Template.


Click on this button to activate the Edit Layout area where a form/letter can be edited or designed.

Preview Sample

Click this button to preview a selected letter or form.  Do not click this button when going into Edit Layout.

Print Sample

Click this button to print a selected letter/form. Brings up a Print Options box.

Special Questions

Question 1 - 12

Users may enter up to 12 special questions to be used in the letter.  When a special question is entered in Question 1 through 12 a variable merge field will be created.  The new variable merge field for the special question will be in the Special Question Folder under Variables and may be inserted in the letter or form.

When the letter is previewed or printed users will see a panel where they may enter the answer(s) to the special question(s) which will be merged into the letter or form wherever the special merge field was inserted into the letter/form.

Design Options:

Project Wizard

The following view will be the first thing that appears when opening a new form/letter template after pressing "Design".  The project wizard may be cancelled which will take them to Edit Layout.   For an existing form or letter the design button will take users directly to Edit Layout.



Edit Layout

This is the view where letters/forms are created.


Blank page

This is where you will design your letter/form.  There are three ways to view your form (tabs at the bottom of page).  Layout; Layout Preview and Preview.    You may design the form in any of the three views.

Use the control icons along the far left side of the edit layout or use the menus at the top of the page to insert text and objects onto the form/letter.  The controls are explained below in the order the icons are displayed.

Variables shown on the far right may be dragged and dropped onto the page or you may use a text field to insert variables.

Caution:  If you drag a variable directly onto/into a text portion of a letter or form, it will wipe out all of the text.  Undo does not fix this.  If you have been saving frequently you may close out of the form without saving changes.  You will loose any unsaved information, but all saved text will still be available.


The following "control" information does not include every tool available, but only those most commonly used in letters or forms.


 This is the select tool.  It may be activated from the control panel on the left side of the edit layout, or you may use the keystrokes Ctrl S; or you may activate it from the menu under Objects; Select; Selection Mode.  This is the default "mode" for the cursor when Edit Layout is opened.

For example:  Click on the Select tool and drag it across the page to select one item or a group of objects on the page.  After the object or objects have been selected you may move them as a group to another location (drag n drop).


Use the text button to insert text or variables into the form/letter.  From the menu under Objects; Insert; Text, or use the keystrokes Ctrl T.  

If text should be formatted in sections (words or phrases) then the formatted text icon should be used.  Text can be formatted in the text box, but only for an entire line.

For example:  Click on the text option and drag the cursor on the page to insert a text box.  Double click on the box to open it as shown below.

Double click on the dotted line on the left to open it further.  (--- ) on left side of view

Text must be entered into the bottom panel.  Text must begin and end with " (quotes) or there will be an error message.  The text will be shown in blue.

Text example:

After entering your information, click OK at the bottom of the view to return to Paragraph Properties.   Another line of text may be entered in the same manner on the next line

Enter a Variable into Text (some of the information here applies to Formatted Text as well)

Open a variable folder.  Variables may be selected from the top window (double click on one) to insert them into the bottom panel.  Variables do not need the " quotes around the text.  The  "  " may be used to insert a space between linked variables (2 variables selected on the same line).  Variables may be placed one after another with a + between them.

Note:  Variables may be placed onto a form without opening the text field, by dragging and dropping them.  Caution:  Do not drop a variable into a text field as it will wipe out any text already entered.

For example:

In the above sample the first line of the unit's address is linked with the +.  The " " puts a space between the two lines of address and the following + finishes the link.  If a space was not needed between the two address lines, you could link with just one +.

Other Formula Options

After entering your information, click OK at the bottom of the view.  You will be back at the Paragraph properties view.


After the Paragraph Properties view is closed a formatting box will be displayed above the box as shown below:

To format from within the Paragraph Properties box:

Highlight the line of text and format it if you desire (font, size, bold or underline).  Each line may be formatted the same or they may each be different.  Formatting is done for the entire line.

Format the line of text or information with the properties on the right side of the Paragraph Properties view.

Click on the + beside font to open it the font selections.  When open you will see:

Click the button to open up the font selection box:

You can select the font, style, size and color.  Click Ok when done.

Under Layout you can:

Remember to click ok to close the text box or your information will not be saved.


Use the line button to draw lines on the page.  Tables are manually drawn in with lines. From the menu go to Objects, insert line.  Or use Ctrl + L.

Change the number to 0.005 or a higher number to achieve the look you desire.  Click Ok to accept your change or cancel to close the box without the change.

A number higher than .005 will begin to make the line look bolded or thicker.

TIP:  With one line formatted the way I want it to look, I copy and paste to get other lines I need.  Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste and then drag the copy into position.

To tweak the line position - how straight it is etc.  I use Position under Properties:

When the 2.790 (or whatever numbers your view shows) numbers match the line will be straight.  (The numbers will be different depending where the line is on the page)  

Use the position and size information in making a table.

Use the position numbers to space lines evenly apart.  Add .25 to the 2.790 (or the next number..remember there are two one on the right and one on the left) or a number of you choosing to space the lines.

Note:  If you make a letter in word with a table (or just the table) you can sometimes  use ctrl C (copy) and ctrl v (paste) to copy the entire letter into a formatted text field.


 Click the rectangle icon or use Options>>Insert>>Rectangle or Ctrl + R.


 Click the ellipse icon or use Options>>Insert>>Ellipse or use Ctrl + I.


 Use the picture icon, Ctrl + P or go to Options>>Insert>>Picture.


 The table is used with the variables listed under fields and does not create a static or stationary table like word.  The table cells are only created for the  data that is to be merged so gaps in a table may occur if the information that should have gone into a cell is blank (no cell is created in the table).

Table Contents

For example:  

Members.Number can be changed to "Member No", "Member #" or "Member Number" (text must be in quotes)


Table information does not display correctly in the Merge Template preview.  The letter/form must be viewed from Tenant or Application Custom Forms and Letters program.

Formatted Text

 Click the button to drag and drop a formatted text field onto the page.


Form Control

 Click the button and drag the form control field onto the page.  If this form is used in a letter or form Preview Only under Special Options should be checked.


OLE Container

 The OLE container allows the user to select a type for the object.  For example:  The type selected could be a Word document.  This will open Microsoft Word and allow a form or letter to be created in it and inserted into the document.  Word or Corel must be installed on the computer the document is being created or edited on.  Users who do not have Word or Corel will not be able to edit the document.

This graphic shows part of the list that is available for selecting.

You can use tables in the word documents, sometimes the information looks out of proportion in the document, but may print out ok.  Sometimes it does not print out the same for everyone.  

You cannot add merge fields in the OLE container documents and inserting them in text fields on top of the text document does not always work well because printer selection can affect text spacing when the document is printed.  


Usually at the top left of the edit layout are three viewing options.  Layers is one of the options.  

If you are going to be adding pages - remove the checkmark from Base and Following Pages.  If Base is left checked everything put on a page will end up on the base page and will print on every page thereafter.

To Add A Page:

To Work on a Page

Object List

The object list displays all the objects you have in the project.  Objects that are on pages that are not checked or active are shown in parenthesis.  


Preview shows a small preview of an active page.  

Property Window

Displays and allows editing of properties for an object.  Editing of properties has been discussed for objects.

Some properties that can be changed for some objects:

List of Variables

The list of variables that may be placed on a form or letter are shown on the right side of the Edit View.  The variables that are available change depending on the letter type selected or the module merge is accessed from.



Print Options:

Export Media

Displays the selected printer.  Click "Change" button to select a different printer.

Direct To

Defaults to "Printer".  Leave at this option to print to the selected printer or click the arrow button and select preview to view the letter or form on screen.


Click the start button to print or preview.