Revised: 12/2/2015

Section 8 Tenant Master

Go to Maintain>> Tenants (Active)

Tenant's are entered into the S8 tenant master by pulling the data from the Horizon Waiting List program, porting in, or manually entering the tenant into the Section 8 Tenants (Active) file.

When "Enhanced Edit" is checked in the Section 8 Management program all tenant records will be "Read Only" until they are unlocked.  

See Also:

Click Quick Link for information on the Section 8 Tenant Master>>Quick Link menu items.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions, click here.  Save As is found in the drop down menu for Save.


Tenant Number:

The tenant number is made up of 3 segments:  Project = 5 digits, Unit = 4 digits and Tenant Number = 2 digits.  

The tenant number is a key field and may not be changed after it has been assigned; however, tenant information may be copied to a new tenant number, with the old tenant number and information removed during the process (optional).

To pull up an existing tenant enter or select a valid number or use the tenant last name field.

Read Only

When "Enhanced Edit" is checked in Section 8 Management, all tenant files will open in read only mode unless they have been unlocked.  Files that have been unlocked will display "Edit Mode" in the header.

Edit Mode

When "Enhanced Edit" is checked in Section 8 Management and the tenant's file has been unlocked, the program will display "Edit Mode" in green in the header area.


The A/R field will be displayed for tenant's who have an outstanding balance due and have had a customer created in Housing Billing for the amount.

Clicking on the A/R information field will pull up a Customer Activity Report from Housing Billing:


Notes will be displayed in blue if one or more of the notes that are on the notes tab have a check mark in the Spec column.

Last Name

For an existing tenant, the last name may be used to enter or select the tenant or the tenant number field may be used to select the tenant.

If a tenant has already been "found" the tenant's last name will be displayed here and may be edited.

Enter the head of household's last name for a new tenant.

First Name

For an existing tenant or transferred tenant, the first name of the head of household will be displayed and may be edited.  For a new tenant, enter the head of household's first name.


For an existing or transferred tenant, the middle initial or middle name of the head of household will be displayed and may be edited.

HA Bal

This field is only displayed in yellow when the tenant is a "Port In" and is listed as a sub account in House Billing for a Housing Authority that has been setup as a customer.   The housing authority's balance for the tenant's HAP and fees is displayed here.

Sample showing where HA Bal is located on the S8 Tenant Master:


Clicking on the HA Bal field will bring up a Customer Activity Report:


FSS will be displayed in a green box to the right of the Tenant Number for tenants who are participants in the Family Self-Sufficiency program.  Clicking on the FSS box will open the FSS Iinformation tab.


Unit Information

Unit Information will change to Unit Information (Mailing Address is Different) when the Unit address is different than the Mailing Address and the Address will be highlighted.  See below:


The Landlord name will be displayed.

Address and Unit information

Address, Bedsize and V/S (voucher size) information pulls from the Unit Master and may not be changed in this program.  Access the Unit Master from the drop down menu activated using the F12 key or Quick Link and click on Unit Information to make changes or go to Maintain>>Section 8 Tables>>Unit Master.


Enter, edit or view the tenant's phone number in this field.

Moving In?

Place a check mark in this field when a tenant is moving in for the first time, or when this is the first time the tenant's information will be sent to HUD.

The check mark must be manually removed when the next action is done for the tenant (annual recertification, interim recertification, etc.)

Summary Information Effective

Summary information is pulled from the rent calculation area by the effective date or the current date as determined by Summary Display options set in Section 8 Settings.

The following information is displayed:

Current Status


When entering a new tenant, this field defaults to Active but may be changed to any of the following:

Only Tenant's with a status of active remain in the Section 8 Tenant Master (Active) view.  Moved out, Inactive and Transfer will place the tenant in the Section 8 Tenant Master (Not Active) view.  Once a tenant is in the inactive view they may be made active again to bring them up in the Section 8 Tenant Master (Active) view.

Eff Date

The effective date controls when information entered into some areas of the Tenant Master becomes effective or is calculated such as:


Select an appropriate action for the update to tenant information.


This field defaults to "No Correction" and should only be changed when creating a 50058 entry to correct a previously generated and submitted 50058.

For a Correction to a previous 50058, select one of the following:

Household Composition Grid

The grid displays the member number, last name, first name, relationship, sex, date of birth, age (as of effective date) and social security number of active household members that have been entered in Household Composition for the tenant. Double click on any displayed member to pull the record up in the Household Composition View for editing.

Household Composition cannot be accessed from this area if members are not displayed in the grid.  To enter members go to Household Composition accessed from the Quick Link Menu (F12 or click on Quick Link to view the menu).

Contract Info

Contract Information

Voucher Number with Start and End Dates

Enter the voucher number and corresponding start and end dates, if applicable.  This information can be merged into letters/forms.

Contract Number with Start and End Dates

Enter the contract number and its corresponding start and end dates, if applicable.  This information can be merged into letters/forms.

Case Worker

Case Worker Code

Case Worker Codes are set up and maintained in Caseworker Master and are used to assign case workers to each tenant.  This field may then be used as a selection options in lists or reports and merged into letters and forms.  

Enter, view or select a case worker code or leave this field blank.

Lease Dates

Original Lease

Enter the date of the original lease. This information may be merged into letters or forms.  This field may be left blank.

Lease Signing

Enter the date the lease was signed.  This information may be merged into letters or forms.  This field may be left blank.

Extend To

Enter the date the lease will be extended to, if applicable.  This information may be merged into letters or forms.  This field may be left blank.

Reexamination Information

When the reexamination dates are filled in they will be displayed in the summary information area on the general tab.

Last Annual

Enter the tenant's most current annual reexamination date in this field.

Next Annual

Enter the date of the tenant's next annual reexamination date in this field.  Should be one year from the last annual date.

Other Information

Preservation Rent Amount

Enter a rent amount to save, if applicable.  This field may be left blank.

Security Deposit Amount

Enter a security deposit amount, if applicable.  This field may be left blank.

Inspection Information

The inspection fields will be automatically updated from the Inspection Module when inspections are completed or the information may be entered here.

Last Inspection

The last inspection date will be updated from the Inspection Module or users may enter the date the unit was last inspected.


The date the unit passed inspection will be updated from the Inspection Module or users may enter the date the unit passed inspection.

Next Insp Month

Select the Next Inspection Month from the list.

Citizenship Information

Select one of the following citizenship classifications for the tenant.


Enter the date the tenant received citizenship or became eligible for assistance, if applicable - otherwise leave this field blank.

Special Programs

If your agency participates in special programs, select the appropriate ones in these two areas.  The special program code will be shown in field 2n Number 01 and 02 of the 50058.

Available selection options are:

Payment Data

Check Information

Check Processing Code

Select one of the following Check Processing Codes:

Held checks - Vouchers (tenant or landlord) that are held are created and in the selection grid for payment but are not checked (selected) automatically.  They may be selected at anytime for payment and check processing.  They will remain in the grid until they are either paid, or the voucher is cancelled.

Take Offs - No voucher is generated; the tenant, landlord or both will not receive payment.  The amount to pay the landlord or tenant that was not paid in the current check run may be entered in the Retro/Special/Fee tab of the rent calc to be paid during the next cycle.  Or a voucher may be manually created using Section 8 Voucher Entry.


This area is provided for users to enter notes regarding the check processing setup.



Select one of the following categories for reporting on the VMS HAP Report:

Admin Fee/FSS Information

For the FSS portion of the 50058 enter the appropriate amounts, when needed, in the following fields:

This area will be dimmed/locked and unavailable for user input if Lock Payment Data Screen is checked in Section 8 Settings.

Tenant Payment Information

This area is updated during the Rent Change Update process.  The Rent Change Review will contain information on tenant payments that will be updated when the Rent Change Update is run.  If payment information is incorrect on the Rent Change Review check the tenant's effective date and Rent Calculations.  Look for Rent Calculations with an effective date that is greater than the effective date shown on the General Tab.


Displays the contract amount, if any, of payment to be generated for the tenant.  This field is updated by the Rent Change Update program from the effective Rent Calculation.

Utility Payments

Utiity payment information will be displayed.


Displays a special payment amount, if any, to be paid to the tenant.  This field will be updated from the effective Rent Calculation when the Rent Change Update is run.


Displays a deduction amount, if any, to be deducted from tenant payments.  This field will be updated from the effective Rent Calculation when the Rent Change Update is run.

Redirect Tenant Deduction

The tenant deduction amount may be redirected to a selected vendor (Landlord or tenant).    This field is updated from the effective Rent Calculation by the Rent Change Update program.

The amount deducted from the tenant will be paid to the selected vendor.

Landlord Payment Information

This area is updated during the Rent Change Update.  The Rent Change Review will contain information on landlord payments that will be updated when the Rent Change Update is run.  If payment information is incorrect on the Rent Change Review check the tenant's effective date and Rent Calculations.  Look for Rent Calculations with an effective date that is greater than the effective date shown on the General Tab.


Displays the contract amount, if any, of payment to be generated for the landlord.  This field is updated from the effective Rent Calculation by the Rent Change Update program.


Displays a special payment amount, if any, to be paid to the landlord.  This field will be updated from Rent Calculation when the Rent Change Update is run.


Displays a deduction amount, if any, to be deducted from landlord payments.  This field will be updated from Rent Calculation when the Rent Change Update is run.

Redirect Landlord Deduction

The landlord deduction amount may be redirected to a selected vendor (Landlord or tenant).  This field is updated from Rent Calculation by the Rent Change Update program.

The amount deducted from the landlord will be paid to the selected vendor.

Tenant Direct Deposit Information

Enter the routing and account number for the tenant's bank if sending payment data electronically.  These fields should be left blank if the tenant is to be paid with a printed check.

Routing Number

Enter the nine digit routing number that the tenant has provided you in this field.  If you are not paying the tenant electronically, this field should be left blank.

If 9 digits are not entered the following message will be displayed when the file is saved, click OK and correct the routing number:

Account Number

Enter the tenant's account number in this field.  If you are not paying the tenant electronically, this field should be left blank.

Account Type

Select one of the following options if paying electronically:


Enter tenant's emergency contact information (name, address, city, state, zip code and phone number), if available, for the following:

Vehicles and References


Enter the following information for one or two tenant vehicles, if available.  These fields are for information purposes and may be left blank.


Enter the member number from Household comp for the owner of the vehicle.

Enter the following information regarding the vehicle:


Enter the following information for up to three references supplied by the tenant:


Former Address


Enter the tenant's former address information.  Use the Zip Code Function to pull in the city and state information.


Enter the address of the tenant's former landlord.  Use the Zip Code Function to pull in the city and state information.

Application Information

Application Date

Enter or select the date the tenant submitted an application for Section 8 Housing, if blank.  This information will pull over from the Horizon Waiting List Module, but may be manually entered or corrected.

Admission Preference

This information will be pulled over from the Waiting List module or may be entered for a new tenant or edited.  Select one of the following:

Displacement Status

This information will pull over from the Horizon Waiting List program, but may be manually entered or corrected.

Select their displacement status from one of the following:

Admission/Movement Information

Admission Date

This information will pull over from the Horizon Waiting List module, but may be manually entered or corrected.

Enter or select the date the tenant was admitted to the program if blank.

File Number:

This field is provided as an additional cross reference area for information that has been converted and may be left blank.

Transfer In Date

If the tenant was transferred in from another unit using the Tenant Transfer Wizard, the date will be automatically entered.  If manually transferring, enter or select the transfer in date here.  If the tenant has not transferred from another unit, leave this field blank.  This field is not for Portability.


The transferred from unit information will be entered automatically when the Tenant Transfer Wizard is used.  If manually transferring a tenant, enter the unit number the tenant was transferred from.

Portable In Date

Enter or select the date tenant was ported in to your housing authority.  Leave this field blank if portability does not apply.

Hard to House

This information should come over from the Waiting List module, but may be updated here if applicable.  

Place a check mark in the square if the tenant is a hard to house tenant.  This field may be left blank.


Enter the fee for the hard to house tenant.  This field may be left blank if it does not apply.


Place a check in the field, if this portability tenant will be absorbed by your housing authority.  Leave this field blank if the tenant will not be absorbed or if portability does not apply.

HA Code

Enter the housing authority code of the porting out housing authority.  If portability does not apply, leave this field blank.


For Housing Authorities using the House Billing Module, the HA Code must be entered to have the program automatically update the porting HA (set up in House Billing as the customer number) with the Admin Fee and payment information.

Admin Fee

Enter the administration fee that will be charged to the porting Housing Authority for portability tenants that have not been absorbed.  This field may be left blank.

Admission Codes

These codes will transfer over from the Waiting List module, or they may be entered or edited here.

Place a check in any that apply for the tenant from the following:

FSS Information

Family Self-Sufficiency

If the tenant is not participating in the FSS program, this page may be skipped.

Is Tenant FSS Participant now or in last year

Place a check mark in the field if the tenant is now or has been an FSS participant in the last year.

When the field is checked the FSS Worksheet program will be added to the Quick Link menu.

FSS Start

Enter the family self sufficiency start date in this field.  If tenant is not a FSS participant, leave blank.


Enter the family self sufficiency end date in this field.  If the tenant is still an active FSS participant or has not been a FSS participant within the past year, leave the field blank.

FSS Extend

Enter the extension date for the family, if applicable.

FSS Exit Status

Select one of the following exit codes if the Tenant is exiting FSS:

Discontinue Interest

Enter a checkmark in the box if the tenant will no longer be participating in the FSS program.

FSS Escrow Information

Monthly Credit

Displays the monthly credit for the tenant, if applicable.  This field is updated by the program through FSS Activities.


Displays the tenant's FSS balance, if applicable.  This field is updated by the program through FSS Activities.


Displays the amount of FSS funds disbursed to the tenant.  This field may be edited.


Move Out/Transfer and Portability Move Out fields may be filled in during an automated process using wizards; however, the user may update these fields manually.

Move-Out Information

Move-Out Date

Enter, select or view the move-out date.  This field should be left blank if the tenant has not moved out.  This is a required field when the tenant's Status is changed to "Move-Out".

Transfer Information

Transfer-Out Date

Enter, select or view the transfer out date.  This field should be left blank if the tenant has not been transferred.

This is a required field if the tenant's Status has been changed to Transfer.

Tenant Transferred To:

Enter or view the unit information for the transferred tenant.  This field should be left blank if the tenant has not been transferred.

Portability Information

Portable Out Date

Enter, select or view the port out date for the tenant.  This field should be left blank if the tenant has not ported out.

Receiving HA Code

Enter the receiving housing authorities code.  This field should be left blank if the tenant has not ported out.


Move-Out/Transfer Reason

Enter, select or view the move out/transfer reason.  This field should be left blank if the tenant has not moved out or transferred.  Move-Out/Transfer Codes are setup and maintained by the user in the Tenant Management module.


This area is used to display tracking information.  Tracking is done automatically for some changes to tenant information.  Users may add additional tracking information using the Add Tracking Items button.  Information in the grid cannot be altered or deleted.

Tracking Grid

The grid will display the following information:

Detail window

The window will display additional information for some of the tracking items.

Automatic tracking items are added for the following actions:

Add Tracking Items

Click the Add Tracking Items button to open the Add a Tenant Action view:

Tracking Details

Tracking Code

Select a Tracking Code or leave blank and just enter a modified description.


The description for a selected Tracking Code will be displayed.

Modified Description

Enter a description to modify the description for a selected Tracking Code or leave the action code blank and just enter a description for the action that is to be tracked.

Click Save or Cancel

Print Tracking Items

Click the Print Tracking Items button to open the Date Range for Action Printing box.

Start Date

Enter the beginning date for the printout range.

End Date

Enter the ending date for the printout range.

Click OK to open the print dialog box.  Select a printer and click print.

Click Cancel to close the box without printing.


New Note

Click on New Note button to insert the current date into the note date column.  You can change the date of the note

Special Notes Only

Place a check mark in the box to show only the notes with check marks in the Spec column in the grid.

Note Grid

Note Date

The "New Note" button will insert a date in this field.  The date may be edited.  You may select a previously entered note date to view the subject and message for that date.


Once you have clicked the new note button and entered the date, enter a subject for the note.

For a previously entered note date, you may view or edit the subject of the note.


Entering a check mark in the Spec box will classify the note as a "Special Note" and a Notes flag will be displayed in blue to the right of the Tenant Number.

Created By

Will display the name of the user who was logged on when the note was created.

Update By

The name of the user who was logged on when the note is updated will be displayed.  When a note is created the Created By and Update By fields will display the same information.

Message Window

For a new note, enter a message in the window.  The message will be associated with the corresponding subject and date.

Previously entered messages may be viewed or edited by selecting its note date.

Print Note

Highlight an entered note date and press the "Print Note" button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select the printer and click the print button.  The message for the note date selected will print.

Print All Notes

When the print all notes button is clicked a date range box will be brought up as shown below:

Start Date

Enter a starting date for the range of notes to print.

End Date

Enter an ending date for the range of notes to print.


Click the ok button to bring up a print dialog box.  Select the appropriate printer and click Print.


Click the cancel button to close the print range box without printing notes.


Quick Attachment bar

Use the navigational icons on the bar to Add, Scan, email, etc.



Select a Category for the attachment.

Start Date / to End Date

Enter a Start Date and to End Date to filter or add attachments.

Attachment Window

The attachment window will display a list of attached documents or archived tenant information and the date they were added.

See How to Attach a Document for more information


Quick Link Menu

The following programs or utilities are available from the Section 8 Quick Link menu:



Tenant Tasks

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Tenant Tasks

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Tenant Tasks

This program will allow tracking of tasks that area associated with this tenant or members of the household.

Function Menu

At the top of this view are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on standard functions click here.


The tenant name and number will be displayed for identification purposes.

Tenant Task Grid

Tenant Tasks may be entered manually or an entry may be generated automatically using the Create Default Tasks option or when a letter or form is printed for the tenant that has the "Add to Tasks to Complete" field checked in its merge template.

The following columns are shown in the grid:

Archive Tasks

Clicking the archive tasks button will remove tasks that have been checked and dated as completed from the grid.

Create Default Tasks

Select a Category when using the Create button to automatically create tasks using the information setup in Standard Task Setup.  Categories may be setup using the Global Table Maintenance program found in the Waiting List module.


Pressing the Create button will generate tasks from those that have been setup in the Standard Task Setup program.  A Category may be selected, if available, to control which tasks will be created.

Print Task Listing

Click this button to open a preview/print info box where you may select one of the following report options:


S8 Tenant Complaints

This program in only available if it has been setup to be accessed.

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Complaints Against Tenant

This program is used to record complaints made against the tenant.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are function icons such as save and delete.  For more information regarding functions, click here.


The header record shows the name of the head of the household that a complaint may be entered for.

Entry Area

Complaint Date

Enter the date of the complaint in a mmddyyyy or mmddyy format.

Will Caller put allegation in Writing and Sign it?

Place a check mark in the box if the caller will sign a written complaint against the tenant.

Is Caller willing to testify if necessary?

Place a check mark in the box if the caller would agree to testify in a hearing regarding the complaint.

Caller First Name

Type in the first name of the person who is calling in the complaint.

Last Name

Type in the last name of the person who is calling in the complaint.

Caller Address

Enter the address of the person who is calling in the complaint.


If needed, enter additional address information in this field.  This field may be left blank if a second line is not needed for the address.

City, State and Zip

Enter in the city, state and zip code information for the address of the caller.

Phone #

Enter in a phone number for the caller where they may be reached.


Enter the details of the complaint in the text area.

Save and Print

Click the "save and print" button to save the complaint report and print out a copy.

Go to Message

In the window check mark a previously entered complaint to "pull" it back up into the entry area by clicking the "Go to Message" button.

Complaint Window

The window displays previously entered complaints.  Each complaint has a selection box at the beginning of the line.  "Select" a complaint by checking the box and then click the "Go to Message" button to pull the selected message up into the entry area.


Use the "Esc" key, or click the X in the upper right corner, or click "Close" in the function menu to close the program.



Tenant Special Addresses

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Tenant Special Addresses

This area has been provided to allow entry of additional addresses for the tenant.

Enter the following information into the grid:




Create 50058 Record

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Create 50058 Record

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Create 50058 Record

When "Enhanced Edit" is checked in Section 8 Management, this program is only available when the tenant file is in "Edit Mode".  

The program will generate a 50058 for the effective date based on the information entered.  The 50058 will be in the 50058 work file for submission to PIC and will be available to print out for the tenant's file.  The program will track the creation and deletion of 50058s.

If there is a previous 50058 for the same date, an overwrite message will be displayed with information on the 50058 that will be overwritten.  The message will contain information on the Action, Effective Date and the creation date.  

If this program is run after a 50058 has been submitted electronically the "sent" flag will be removed, allowing the 50058 to be sent to PIC a second time.

Click Yes to open 50058 Forms where the 50058, Summary Application, Rent Worksheet and/or the Utility Chart may be previewed or printed.  If the tenant's file is in Edit Mode, it will be returned to Read only after the successful creation of a 50058 record.

Click No to close the 50058 Validation box.  The 50058, Summary Application, Rent Worksheet and/or the Utility Chart may be previewed or printed from the Quick Link menu.


Print 50058

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Print 50058

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Print 50058

The 50058 forms browser will show all the 50058 forms that have been created and are available to preview, print or delete for the tenant.  Users may also select/checkmark the Summary Application, Rent Worksheet and/or the Utility Chart to preview or print along with the 50058.

A sample of the browser is shown below:


The browser shows the following information

Delete 50058

Clicking this button with a 50058 file highlighted will bring up a Delete Confirmation Box.  The deletion of the 50058 will be tracked.

Other Forms to Print

Summary Application

Place a checkmark in the box to preview or print the Summary Application along with the 50058.

Rent Worksheet

Place a checkmark in the box to preview or print the Rent Worksheet along with the 50058.

Utility Chart

Place a checkmark in the box to preview or print the Utility Chart along with the 50058.

Report Options


Click the preview button to view the 50058 on screen prior to printing.  The form may be printed from within the preview screen.  Click here for more information.


Click the print button to bring up the print dialog box to select a printer and print the form.


Click the cancel button to close the 50058 Forms dialog box.


Print Rent Worksheet

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Print Rent Worksheet

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Print Rent Worksheet

Selecting this program from the menu will print out a rent worksheet from information entered in the Tenant Master.

A tenant signature line may be printed on the worksheet if the "Print Tenant Signature Line on Rent Worksheet" is checked in Section 8 Settings on the Merge Setup tab.

Print Full SSN

Social security numbers are masked by default on the Rent Worksheet.  Enter a checkmark in the Print Full SSN box to display the full social security numbers.


Click the preview button to view the worksheet on screen.  The worksheet may be printed from within the preview area.  Click here for more preview information.


Click the print button to open the print dialog box.  Select a printer and click the print button.


Click the cancel button to close the program.


A small sample of a previewed worksheet is shown below:



Tenant Summary Application

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Print Summary Application

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Print Summary Application

This program will generate a snapshot of tenant information with a place for the tenant to certify, sign and date the form.  When this form is printed out when in Archive mode, the information will be a historical snapshot as of the date of the opened archive record.

Report Options:


Select preview to show the report on screen.  The report may be printed from within the preview area.  Click here for more preview information.


Click the print button to open the print dialog box.  Select a printer and click the print button.


Click the cancel button to close the program.


Print Utility Chart

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Print Utility Chart


Go to Maintain>>Section 8 Tables>>Utility Allowance Tables>>Quick Link>>Print Utility Chart


Go to Maintain>>Rent Reasonableness Unit Master>>Quick Link>>Print Utility Chart

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Print Utility Chart


From the Tenant Master or the Rent Reasonableness Unit Master, if the Unit Master has not been associated with a Utility Allowance Table or if Utility Tables have been turned off this menu option will not work.

If there is a problem printing the utility chart, make sure the unit has been setup with a Unit Type in the Section 8 Unit Master.


The menu option brings up the Utility Chart preview/print interface box as shown below:


Include all Bedroom Sizes on Form

Place a check mark in the box to have utility information for all bedroom sizes included on the report.


Select preview to show the report on screen.  The report may be printed from within the preview area.  Click here for more preview information.


Click the print button to open the print dialog box.  Select a printer and click the print button.


Click the cancel button to close the program.

A small sample of the previewed utility chart is shown below:


Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup

This program is used to setup one or more utility reimbursement payment areas for direct payment to a vendor that has been setup in the Landlord Master.

Gas/Fuel Account

Enter the tenant's gas/fuel account number with the gas/fuel vendor.

Gas Amount

This field will display the gas reimbursement amount entered in the tenant's Rent Calculation>>Utility Payment>>Gas/Fuel field.

Gas/Fuel Vendor

Select the vendor number who is to be paid the gas/fuel utility reimbursement payments.  The gas or fuel company should be setup in the Landlord Master.

Enable for Direct Payment

Enter a checkmark to open the Gas/Fuel field in the Tenant's Rent Calculation, Utility Payment tab for entry of the gas/fuel reimbursement amount.

Electric Account

Enter the tenant's account number for the electric company.

Electric Amount

This field will display the electric utility reimbursement amount entered in the tenant's Rent Calculation>>Utility Payments>>Electric field.

Electric Vendor

Select the Electric Company's vendor number that is to receive the electric utility reimbursement payments.  The Electric Company should be setup in the Landlord Master.

Enable for Direct Payment

Enter a checkmark to open the Electric field in the Tenant's Rent Calculation, Utility Payment tab for entry of the electric reimbursement amount.

Water Account

Enter the tenant's account number with the Water company.

Water Amount

This field will display the water utility reimbursement amount entered in the tenant's Rent Calculation>>Utility Payments>>Water field.

Water Vendor

Select the water company's landlord/vendor account number that is to receive the water utility reimbursement payments.

Enable for Direct Payment

Enter a checkmark to open the Water field in the Tenant's Rent Calculation, Utility Payment tab for entry of the water reimbursement amount.

Sewer Account

Enter the tenant's sewer account number.

Sewer Amount

This field will display the sewer utility reimbursement amount entered in the tenant's Rent Calculation>>Utility Payments>>Sewer field.

Sewer Vendor

Select the landlord/vendor sewer account number that is to receive the sewer utility reimbursement payments.

Enable for Direct Payment

Enter a checkmark to open the Sewer field in the Tenant's Rent Calculation, Utility Payment tab for entry of the sewer reimbursement amount.

Trash Account

Enter the tenant's Trash account number.

Trash Amount

This field will display the Trash utility reimbursement amount entered in the tenant's Rent Calculation>>Utility Payments>>Trash field.

Trash Vendor

Select the landlord/vendor trash account number that is to receive the trash utility reimbursement payments.

Enable for Direct Payment

Enter a checkmark to open the trash field in the Tenant's Rent Calculation, Utility Payment tab for entry of the trash reimbursement amount.


Unlock Tenant File

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Unlock Tenant File

or go to  Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Unlock Tenant File

This program is used to change a tenant file from Read Only to Edit Mode.  When in edit mode, changes can be made to the file and saved.

Lock Tenant File

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Lock Tenant File

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Lock Tenant File

This program is used to change a tenant file from Edit Mode back to Read Only.  When in Read Only mode, changes cannot be saved in the file with the exception of tasks, tracking items, notes and adjustments.

Renumber/Update Tenant File

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Renumber/Update Tenant Files

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Renumber/Update Tenant Files

This program may be run at any time as a possible fix when an issue has occurred in a tenant's file.

When the program is selected from the quick link menu, the following info box will be shown with your tenant number while the program is running:

When the program is finished running, the information box will go away.


Save As

Go to Tenants (Active)>>Save - use the drop down menu and select Save As.

For example:

Project      P0021

Unit           0221

Tenant       01

See Also: