Revised:  09/11/2012

Cash Receipt Edit List

Go to Activities>>Cash Receipts Processing>>Cash Receipts Edit List


The cash receipt edit list is also available under Utilities>>Security Deposit Interest Calculation>>Interest Edit List (Cash Receipts)

This program will generate a listing of un-posted Cash Receipts or Distributed Interest transactions entered or generated for the area(s) and communities selected for the report.

See Also:



Some Public Housing Agencies edit and post based on specific area and community combinations.  Please follow your Housing Authorities guidelines for reviewing and posting Cash Receipts.

Area Number

Enter or select an Area Number for the edit list or leave this field blank.

Community Number

Enter or select a Community Number for the edit list or leave this field blank.

Other Selections

ACH Payments Only

Checkmark the box if only ACH payments are to be included on the edit list.

Enhanced Merge

Create Merge Interface

Checkmark the Create Merge Interface box if a batch letter or form will be created for the information/tenants included on the edit list.

Display/Order By

Batch/Sequence or Tenant Number

Click in one of the circles to place a selection "dot" indicating your preference in having the edit list printout in one of the following orders:

Clear Selections

Click the Clear Selections button to remove selected information from the fields.  


Click the Preview button to view the edit list on screen.  The edit list may be printed from within the preview screen.  Click here for more preview details.


Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select the printer and click ok to send the report to the printer.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.