Revised:  11/15/2013

Work Order Settings

Go to Settings>>Work Order Settings

This program is used to track information and control how the program works.  Some of the information in this program should not be changed without specific instructions or information from Horizon personnel.


Work Order Number

Current Year

At the beginning of a new calendar year or when users are ready to begin entering work orders for a new year, the four digit year should be updated in this file.

The four digit calendar year becomes the first four digits in the work order number.

For Example:

Enter 2013

Last Number

During the initial installation of the Work Order module, a beginning number will be entered into this field.  From then on, the system will update the last work order number used.  

The number may be carried over from year to year or it may be reset when the calendar year is updated.

Recurring Work Orders

Last Object #

During the initial installation of the Work Order module, a beginning number will be entered into this field.  From then on, the system will update the last Recurring Work Order Object number used/assigned to a Recurring Work Order template.  


Work Order Format

A work order format will be entered in this field during the implementation process.  This number should not be changed unless instructed by Horizon Personnel.  Some formats will change the way the module works or has available.

Page Settings

This section contains defaults for work orders.  The defaults set in the settings file may be changed for an individual work order during Work Order Entry.

Default Warehouse

Enter a warehouse code to serve as the default.

Default W.O. Type

Select or edit to one of the following work order types to serve as the default:

Default Category

Enter or edit a default category code for work orders.

Default Mileage Rage

Enter or edit a default mileage rate amount.

Default Permission to Enter

Check this default field if "Permission to Enter" should be automatically checked when a new work order is created and shown on the Work Order Form.

Default Requested by

Check the Default Requested by box to have the Work Order Entry program default the Requested By information to the person who is logged in when the work order is entered.

Labor Cost Information

Enter the default labor costs for the following.

Mechanic Labor Rate

Enter or edit the default labor rate for the mechanic.

Technician Labor Rate

Enter or edit the default labor rate for the technician.

Custodian Labor Rate

Enter or edit the default labor rate for the custodian.


Parameter information is setup during installation and training on the work order module.  If you have questions regarding the setup of any of the parameters, please call the Horizon Help desk for assistance.

Tenant Bill Mode

Select or edit to one of the following billing modes:


Labor/Materials Billing Mode (List Price) and Combined Billing (List Price) will use the Inventory Item Master>>List Price information to bill tenant's from Work Order Entry.  

Inventory Item Master>>Last Cost information will be used for the Work Order information.

Generic Device

During the installation, setup and training on this module, information for a generic device may have been entered in this field by Horizon Personnel.  

If you are unsure of what to enter into this field, please contact the help desk at Horizon (814) 535-7810.

Community Section

During the installation, setup and training on this module, one of the accounting segment descriptions will be selected for this option.  If a change is needed, another segment of the accounting structure may be selected for the community.

Sales Interface

Select or edit the following options to control sales interfacing:

Inventory Mode

Select one of the following modes:

Sales End Date

Enter a sales end date, if applicable, in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.  

Check boxes

Use Start and End Times

A check mark in this field will include the Start and End times fields on the Labor Tab in Work Order Entry.

Interface to Tenant Accounting

A check mark in this field indicates that general ledger accounting information generated from work orders is to interface to tenant accounting.

Print Comments if Applicable

A check mark in this field indicates that comments entered for the work order should be printed.

Use WO Costing

A check mark in this field indicates that work order costing should be used.

Manual Show on Log

Enter a checkmark to have the program....

Eliminate Lease Question

When checked the "Lease Violation" question/field will be eliminated from the Work Order.

Eliminate Housekeeping Question

When checked the "Housekeeping" question/field will be eliminated from the Work Order.

Eliminate GFI Question

When checked the "GFI Checked" question/field regarding the ground fault interface will be removed from the Work Order.

Eliminate Smoke Detector Question

When checked the "Smoke Detector Checked" question/field will be removed from the Work Order.

Only Active Tenants

When checked the program will not allow a work order to be created for a Tenant with a status of "Move Out".


Billing Codes

Standard Billing Code

Select one of the billing codes from the drop down menu to be used as the standard billing code.

Auto-Bill Code

Select one of the billing codes from the drop down menu to use as the default billing code.

Print Charge Register

When the Print Charge Register box is checked, a charge register will print after a work order is billed.

Merge Setup

Header Information

Header Line 1 through 6

Enter the Housing Authority or Company name, address, phone and fax information on lines 1 through 6.  This information is used in the merge template to create shared letterhead information or headers on letters or forms created in the Work Order module to print out with merged work order information.

Lines that are not needed for information may be left blank.

Work Order Comments

Enter comments to print on the work orders.  The Work Order format must support this function.