Revised: 06/13/2017

Work Order Entry

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry

Work Order Activities

This program is used to enter, edit and print work orders.  Work orders may also be created from Recurring Work Orders using the Create WO from Recurring program.

See Also:

Quick Links


Work Order Year

The current work order year is pulled from Work Order Settings, but may be overwritten when entering a new work order, if applicable.  

For an existing work order, the year the work order was created with will be displayed.

Work Order No

When entering a new work order, leave this field blank.  The Work Order Number will pull from Work Order Settings.

For an existing Work Order, enter or select a work order to view or edit.

Entering a work order number that exists for a previous year will automatically change the Work Order Year to the year the work order was created.  If the Work Order Number is available for two or more Work Order Years, they will be available in the browser to select.

Work Order Type

Select one of the following types for the work order:

Work Order Entry can be set to open with the most used "type" already selected.  Go to Settings>>Work Order Settings>General tab.  Under Page Settings>>Default Work Order Type select the default "type" as one of the following:

The next section of information will be different based upon the Work Order Type selected.


Tenant Information

Tenant Information is only available when the Work Order Type is Tenant.  Tenant Information is pulled from the Tenant Management module.

Tenant Number

For a new tenant work order, enter or select a tenant.  The tenant may also be selected using the tenant's last name or address.

For an existing Work Order with a type of Tenant, the Tenant information will be displayed and may be changed, if applicable.

Last Name

For a new tenant work order, tenant information may be selected using the last name field.  The tenant may also be selected using the tenant number or address.

For an existing Work Order with a type of Tenant, the Tenant information will be displayed and may be changed.

First and M.I.

When a tenant has been selected, their first and middle initial or name will be displayed.


For a new tenant work order, tenant information may be selected using the address field.  The tenant may also be selected using the tenant number or last name.

For an existing Work Order with a type of Tenant, the Tenant information will be displayed and may be changed.

HUD Unit

Will display or may be used to retrieve the HUD Unit number from the Unit Master.

Phone Number

The Area Code and Phone Number will be displayed for the selected tenant.

Continue to the Main tab.


Site Information

Site information is only available when the Work Order Type is Site.  Site locations are setup and maintain in the Site Locations program.

Site Number

For a new site work order, enter or select a site number.

For an existing Work Order with a type of Site, the site information will be displayed and may be changed.

Address 1 and Address 2

For a new site work order, the address information will be displayed, if available, when a site number has been selected.

For an existing site work order, the site information will be displayed and may be changed by selecting a different site number.

Continue to the Main tab.


Asset Information

Asset information is only available when the Work Order Type is Fixed Asset.  Asset item numbers are setup and maintained in the Fixed Asset or Inventory modules.

Item Number

For a new fixed asset work order, enter or select an Item Number.

For an existing fixed asset work order, the Asset Information will be displayed and may be changed.

Current Location

The location where the selected item number is will be displayed in these fields.

Serial Number

If a serial number has been entered for the selected asset/item number, it will be displayed.

Description 1

The description of the selected item number/asset will be displayed.



Work Order - Description of Work

Type in or edit the brief description of work to be performed and recorded on the work order.


Enter or select a Category code for the work order.  This is a required field.

Date and Time

Date Requested

Enter or select the date the work was requested and enter the time of the request in the time area with an A or P to indicate AM or PM.

Work Start Date

Enter or select the date the work began and enter the time the work began in the time area with an A or P to indicate AM or PM

Date Completed

Enter or select the date the work was finished and enter the time the work finished in the time area with an A or P to indicate AM or PM

Date Assigned

Enter or select the date the work was assigned.

Bill Date

If the work order will be billed, enter or select the date of the billing.  Leave this field blank if the work order will not be billed.

Get Completed Date/Time

When this button is pressed, the program will attempt to retrieve the completed date and time.  If the program cannot automatically insert the date and time, users will need to update the information manually.


Requested By

If the Default Requested by box is checked in Work Order Settings, this information will default to the person who is logged in when the work order is created.  If the box is not checked or if the default information is not correct for this work order, enter who requested the work order.  i.e. tenant name, customer name, management, etc.  This is a required field and must have a name entered.

Assigned To

Select one of the following assigned to options:


Select an Employee to associate with the work order.  The employee's name will print on Work Order format 005.

Check boxes

Place a check mark in any of the following:

The following check boxes may or may not be available depending upon selections made in Work Order Settings under Parameters.  When the boxes are checked, these questions are not shown on this screen.

Service Codes

Entry Area

Lines must be entered or tabbed through until the line is showing in the grid/window underneath the entry area before they can be saved.


When entering a new line of Service Code information, leave this field blank.  The system will assign a new line number.

To pull up an existing line number for editing from the grid, enter the line number and tab or double click on one of the highlighted areas in the grid to bring the line up into the entry area.

Service Code

Enter or select a service code or edit an existing service code.

Service Description

The description for the selected service code will be displayed, but may be edited.


Enter or select a location where the service will be performed.


Enter a quantity amount for the service code.


Enter any notations or comments regarding the selected service.


Place a checkmark in the box if the service is billable to the tenant.


This field is not available if the Billable field was not checked on the Main tab.

Bill Comment

Enter a comment for the billable service, when applicable.


This field is not available if the Billable field was not checked on the Main tab.

Bill Amount

Enter the amount to charge for the service.


This field is not available if the Billable field was not checked on the Main tab.

Service Grid

The window/grid area will display service lines that have been entered.


NOTE:  The Labor tab is not available when the Assigned to field on the Main screen has been set to Contractor.

Entry Area


When entering a new line of Labor information, leave this field blank.  The system will assign a new line number.

To pull up an existing line number for editing from the grid, enter the line number and tab or double click on one of the highlighted areas in the grid to bring the line up into the entry area.

Employee #

Enter or select an employee for the line.  

Last Name, First Name, Middle Name

The last name, first name and middle name/initial of the selected employee will be displayed in these fields.  The names may not be changed except by selected a different employee number.

Service Code

Enter or select a service code or edit an existing service code for the line.


Enter or select the date the employee performed the selected service.

Start Time

Enter the time the employee began working on the service. Enter an A or P to indicate AM or PM.

End Time

Enter the time the employee stopped working on the service. Enter an A or P to indicate AM or PM.

Reg Hours, OT Hours, or Other Hours

The program will calculate the number of hours worked and display it in one of the hourly fields.  The information may be edited if necessary.

Bill Hours

The program will calculate and display the number of hours to bill.  The billable hours may be edited.


This field is not available if the Billable field was not checked on the Main tab.


Place a checkmark in this field to bill the labor charges.


This field is not available if the Billable field was not checked on the Main tab.

Labor Grid/Window

The window/grid area will display labor lines that have been completed.


Entry Area

This page may be skipped if Inventory Items were not used in completing the work order.


When entering a new line of Inventory information, leave this field blank.  The system will assign a new line number.

To pull up an existing line number for editing from the grid, enter the line number and tab or double click on one of the highlighted areas in the grid to bring the line up into the entry area.

Item Number

Enter or select an item number for the line.

Item Name

The name of the item setup in Inventory or Fixed Asset will be displayed.


Warehouse will default to the one associated with the selected item.  A different warehouse code may be entered or selected.

Warehouse Name

The name of the warehouse will be displayed below the warehouse code.


Enter how much of the item was used in performing the service.  

If the amount entered is not available, a Negative Quantity Alert will be displayed.  The notification will not stop the work order from being entered, saved or closed.

Quantity in Inventory

Displayed beneath the Quantity field is a field that will display the total amount in inventory.  Clicking on this field will open an Inventory Review showing the quantity in each warehouse that equal the total displayed.

Cost or List Price

The cost may default to the Cost associated with the selected item in the Inventory Item Master.  The cost may be updated/changed if necessary.

The List Price field is only displayed when Work Order Settings>>General>>Parameters>>Tenant Bill Mode is set to one of the following options:

The displayed List Price is used for tenant billing generated from the Work Order.

Service Code

Enter or select a service code or edit an existing service code.


Place a checkmark in this field to bill the Inventory Costs.


This field is not available if the Billable field was not checked on the Main tab.

Inventory Grid/Window

The window/grid area will display inventory lines that have been entered.

Misc Materials

Entry Area

This page may be skipped if miscellaneous items were not used in performing the work on the work order.

Miscellaneous materials are items that have been purchased for this specific job, and are not inventoried items kept in stock.


When entering a new line for miscellaneous items, leave this field blank.  The system will assign a new line number.

To pull up an existing line number for editing from the grid, enter the line number and tab or double click on one of the highlighted areas in the grid to bring the line up into the entry area.

Item Number

Enter a number to assign to the miscellaneous item.

For example:



Enter a description of the miscellaneous item.


Enter the quantity used.


Enter the cost of the item.

Service Code

Enter or select a service code or edit an existing service code.


Place a checkmark in this field to bill the Miscellaneous Materials.


This field is not available if the Billable field was not checked on the Main tab.

Inventory Grid/Window

The window/grid area will display inventory lines that have been entered.

Contractor Assignment

The Contractor Assignment tab is not available unless the Assigned To field is set to Contractor or Both on the Main tab.


When entering a new line for a Vendor Number, leave this field blank.  The system will assign a new line number.

To pull up an existing line number for editing from the grid, enter the line number and tab or double click on one of the highlighted areas in the grid to bring the line up into the entry area.

Vendor Number

Enter or select a Vendor Number for the entry.

Vendor Name

The name of the selected vendor will be displayed.

Start Date

Enter a beginning date for the vendor's time in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.

End Date

Enter an ending date for the vendor's time in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.


Enter the vendor's hours worked.


Enter the vendor's hourly rate.

Bill Amount

Enter the vendor's cost.

Service Code

Enter or select the service code.


Place a check mark in this field if the Vendor's Cost is to be billable.

The Bill checkbox is only available if Billable is checked on the Main tab.

Vendor Grid

Vendor information that is not displayed in the grid will not be saved.  Continue tabbing or entering until the vendor line drops into the grid.

The following information will be displayed for entered information:


Comment Window

In the text window, enter comments regarding the work order or leave blank.

Work Notes

Work Notes Window

In the text window, enter comments regarding the work completed for the work order.


Tracking Grid

The Tracking grid will display the Date, Time, Description and User ID regarding information that is changed in a Work Order.

Available Details

Additional information regarding a selected tracking line will be displayed in this area when available.

Print Tracking Items

Pressing the Print Tracking Items button will bring up a print dialog box.  Select a printer and print the requested information.


This page is used to attach files or scan documents pertaining to the work order.

Document Grid

The document grid will show the following information for attached documents:

Highlight an attachment and click the open button to view the document.


This button will open a "Select a file" dialog box.  Browse to the folder/file that is to be added.  Click the "Open" button or double click the file to attach.

Scan New

This button will open the "Scanning Interface".  

Edit Scan

Highlight an attachment and click the Edit Scan button to add additional pages or edit the scan.


Highlight an attachment and click the Delete button to remove it.   


Highlight an attachment and click the Open button to view the document.

Drag N Drop

Files may be dragged and dropped onto the receiving icon to attach.

Work Order Pics

Pictures taken for the purpose of documenting work order information may be viewed on this page.


Defaults to Page 1. If there are additional pages of pictures another page number may be selected.

Display Images

Press this button to display pictures for the selected page.

Inspection Pics

Inspection pictures may be viewed on this page.


Defaults to Page 1. If there are additional pages of pictures another page number may be selected.

Display Images

Press this button to display pictures for the selected page.


Quick Link Programs


Work Order Forms

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Print>>Work Order Forms

This menu option will bring up the Print dialog box.  Select a printer and press the Print button.




Work Order Close Process

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Complete>>Close Work Order

This program will close a selected work order.

After selecting this menu option the following information box will be shown:

If you do not have a Date Completed date entered on the work order the following information box will be shown:

During the closing process:

If the Work Order is billable the Tenant Billing Interface will open.



Work Order Location Inquiry

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Location Inquiry

This program generates a Location Inquiry for a Site.

The report can be viewed on screen or printed out and includes the following:


Site Number

Site number is the default "Type" and the selected Work Order the report is generated from will be the default location.

Select a different "site number" if desired.

This field will not be available if the "type" is tenant.

Address 1

The address for the selected site will be shown in this field.

Tenant Number

With Tenant as the selected "type" the tenant number fields will be displayed.  Select a Tenant Number to view work order information.  The tenant's last name may also be used to select the tenant.

Last Name, First, and M.I.

If a tenant has been selected, their last name, first name and middle initial or name will be displayed.  If tenant information is not displayed, use the Last Name field to select the tenant.


The tenant number and name fields will not be available if the "type" is Site.


The type defaults to Site, click in a circle to place the selecting "dot" in one of the following options:


Depending upon the "Type" selection of either Site or Tenant one of the following report interfaces will be brought up when Print is clicked on the Report Toolbar:

Use the preview or print options on the Report Toolbar to view the report or print the report.

Report Window

The report window will display the following historical information for site or tenant work orders:


Horizon Work Order Letter Merge

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Print>>Custom Forms/Letters

This program allows the user to select forms or letters that have been setup in the Merge Template to be printed with merged work order information.


Displays the Work Order Year and Work Order Number or the work order the program was selected from.  A different Work Order may be selected using the Work Order Number field.


In the Horizon Work Order Letter Merge window/grid are descriptions of forms and letters that have been setup in the merge template.  Click in a box to checkmark a letter/form to select it for printing.

Letter Date

Letter date field is a merge field that may be included in the selected form or letter.  The merged field will print any date that is entered or selected here.

Override Selections

This box may be checked to override some of the print/preview options set in the Merge Template for the form/letter.

For a first time print, leave this box unchecked.

Force Printer Setup

This box may be checked to force a print dialog box to be displayed for the selected form/letter.


Click the print button to bring up the print options dialog box.  The form may still be previewed if preview is selected in the Direct to... field.


Click the close button to close out of the Custom Form and Letters program.


Tenant Billing Interface

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Billing Review

This program will display billing charges for a tenant, if any, for the selected work order.  


This program interfaces to Tenant Management.



The work order year from the selected work order will be displayed.

Work Order #

The work order number of the will be displayed.

Billing Summary

The billing summary information displayed is controlled by the Tenant Billing Mode selected in Work Order Settings and will be one of the following:


Billing Summary - Service Code Billing Mode

Total Charge

The total charge billable to the tenant will be displayed.


Send to Tenant Auto-Bills

When this option is checked, the tenant's charge will be interfaced into their auto-bills, where it will be included in the auto-bill process based on the start date entered.

If this option is not checked, the charge to the tenant will be interfaced directly into the tenant's account, where it will be seen in Tenant Activity and Tenant History.

Start Date

If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is checked, this field will be undimmed and will default to the first day of the next month.

Monthly Amount

If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is checked, this field will be undimmed and will default to the total billable amount.  The default information may be changed, if applicable.

Billing Code

Enter or select an Accounting Code to use during the billing process.


If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is checked, this field will be undimmed and available for input.

If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is not checked, the service code billing description will be used.


Account that will be charged

The unit number and address of the unit that will be charged in the event of a transfer will be displayed.


Click the Confirm button to confirm the billing information.


Click the Close button to close the billing interface without confirming the billing information.



Billing Summary - Labor/Material Billing Mode

Labor Charge

Any labor charge that was incurred for the work order will be shown.

Misc Charge

Any miscellaneous charge entered on the work order will be shown.

Material Charge

Charges for materials on the work order will be shown.

Vendor Charge

Vendor charges on the work order will be shown in this field.

Total Charge

A total of all charges will be shown in this field.


Send to Tenant Auto-Bills

When this option is checked, the tenant's charge will be interfaced into their auto-bills, where it will be included in the auto-bill process.

If this option is not checked, the charge to the tenant will be interfaced directly into the tenant's account, where it will be seen in Tenant Activity and Tenant History.

Start Date

If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is checked, this field will be undimmed and will default to the first day of the next month.

Monthly Amount

If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is checked, this field will be undimmed and available for input.

Enter a monthly amount to charge the tenant.  The system will bill this amount each month during the auto-bill process until the Total Charge amount is paid.

Billing Code

Enter or select an Accounting Code to use during the billing process.


Enter a description for the charge to the tenant.





Billing Summary - Service Code

Service Charge

The service charge amount entered on the work order will be displayed.

Billing Summary - Labor/Material

The following charges will be displayed if entered:


Send to Tenant Auto-Bills

When this option is checked, the tenant's charge will be interfaced into their auto-bills, where it will be included in the auto-bill process.

If this option is not checked, the charge to the tenant will be interfaced directly into the tenant's account, where it will be seen in Tenant Activity and Tenant History.

Start Date

If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is checked, this field will be undimmed and will default to the first day of the next month.

Monthly Amount

If "Send to Tenant Auto-Bills" is checked, this field will default to the total amount billed.

Billing Code

Enter or select an Accounting Code to use during the billing process.


Enter a description for the charge to the tenant.



Void Work Order

Go to Activities>>Work Order Entry>>Complete>>Void Work Order

This program is used to void a work order.  Work orders cannot be deleted.


The following information/process box will be displayed when Void Work Order is selected from the quick link menu: