Revised:  04/29/11

Entitlement Manual Update

Go to Utilities>>Manual Entitlements>>Manual Entitlement Entry


Entitlement Processing

This program is used to adjust/update entitlement hours.  This program will not adjust monetary amounts.  To adjust earnings codes with dollar amounts use Manual Check Entry.

The entries must be posted to complete the process.

See Also:

For Example:

If you gave an employee an hourly earning code instead of a leave code the adjustment should be done in manual check entry as you cannot remove the hourly earning code information through this program.


The employee should have the code that is to be adjusted setup on tab 8. Entitlements in the Employee Master.


Batch Number

The system will assign the next batch number to be used.  Once a batch has been posted it will no longer be available in this area.  



The system will assign the next sequence number for the batch being entered beginning with one.  If you need to edit an entitlement entry, enter the sequence number and tab or use the enter key.

Once an entry has been brought up it may be edited or deleted.  When deleting an entry the focus or cursor must be on the sequence number you are deleting.

Employee Information

Employee No

Enter or select the employee for entitlement adjustment(s).

Last Name, First, Middle

When an employee has been selected, this information will be automatically filled in.

Transaction Information

Earning Code

Enter or select an entitlement earning code for the transaction.  When a valid Earning Code is selected the Description will fill in.

Adjustment Date

Enter or select a date for the adjusting entry.


Enter the number of hours for the adjustment.  

Adjustment Type

Select one of the following adjustment types:

Prior Year Adjustment

Place a check mark in this field if the adjustment is for a prior year.


Enter a comment to print on reports.