Revised: 09/06/2017
This how to includes the following information:
Go to Activities>>Expense Entry
Client Information
Enter or select the Client that you are entering an expense for
The Client’s Last name, First name, and middle initials will auto populate
Transaction Information
Tab and enter the Transaction date
Tab and enter or select the Transaction code. Tab after you have selected the appropriate transaction code. This will populate the modified description field. The modified description may be changed/edited.
Tab and check the Interface to Accounts Payable checkbox if you wish this transaction to interface to your accounts payable.
Tab to print separate check checkbox. Check this box if you want this transaction to print on a separate check. (note: If you decide to print a separate check here in the entry screen, you can change this in the voucher selection grid. Likewise if you forget to check separate check here, you can do it later in the voucher selection grid.)
Accounts Payable Information
Tab to purchase order # field. You can enter a purchase order number here if your organization uses purchase orders.
Tab to the Pay Group field. (note: depending upon your program settings, the Pay Group field may automatically populate with a “default” Pay Group which is set up in your settings. If your organization does not use this feature, you need to select the appropriate Pay Group for this transaction.)
Tab to the Vendor Number field and enter or select the appropriate vendor for the transaction. The Vendor name and address will automatically populate once you have selected the vendor.
Invoice Information
Tab to invoice number and enter the appropriate information here if you have an invoice number that is associated with this transaction
Tab to the Reference field and enter a reference for this transaction if you wish to do so.
Tab to Transaction amount field and enter the amount of this transaction
Tab and it will prompt you to save this transaction or simply click the save icon at the top of the Expense Entry screen.
Note: The Retain Transaction code, Retain Client and the Retain Vendor checkboxes are used to retain the respective information for the next entry. This is a useful tool when doing multiple entries for the same client, the same vendor, or that use the same transaction code. Leave these unchecked for any information that will not be repeated in the next expense transaction.
After you enter all of the expense transactions you can run the Expense Edit List. To do this, go to
Activities>>Expense Edit List
This will create an expense transaction edit list based on your selections. You can display the information on the edit list by Entry order, Client Number order, or by Client Name (ALPHA). You can also choose to break the report by expense transaction code (if multiple expense codes were used when entering the expense transactions).
Once you have made your selections,
Click either Preview, or Print.
Note: It is suggested that you preview your Edit list before printing for several reasons. First, you can easily view the information on your screen and go back and fix, add, or delete the expense transaction that was incorrect without having to actually print the report. This may save you some time and paper if you need to make corrections. Also, you can print the report from within the preview by simply clicking on the print icon. If you choose to print the report without previewing it first, you may not like the way you grouped it, also, you may see transactions that need to be corrected which you will have to run the edit for again after you have made corrections.
Expense transactions that have not been posted may be deleted in Expense Transaction Entry. Use the Batch Number field to pull up an entry that you do not want to post. When the transaction has been selected, press the Delete icon and press Yes.
Once you are satisfied with the information on your Edit List, the next step is Posting (Finalizing) the transactions
Go to Activities>>Post Expenses
After you post, you will get a prompt to print your transaction register. Click yes to print the expense transactions that you just posted. See: Report Printing Options
How to Change, Void or Cancel a Posted Client Expense
Expense transactions that have not been posted may be deleted.
Go to Activities>>Expense Entry
In the Batch Id field, open the browse by clicking on the magnifying glass. Select an un-posted expense transaction and press the Delete icon. Press Yes to "Delete this Record".
Once an expense has been posted, it cannot be changed or deleted. Other entries can be made to adjust the client's account and Accounts Payable.
The following information may help determine the entry that will be needed to make the adjustments:
If the entry is in Open Account Payable (the original expense has been posted, but a check has not been printed and posted): Create a Cancellation Voucher. For instructions see How to Cancel an Unpaid Voucher. When the cancellation voucher is posted, a negative expense to the client's account will be made to return the funds.
A check has been printed and posted. Create a Void Check entry. For instructions see How to Void a Rep Payee Check. When the Void is posted, a negative expense to the client's account will be made to return the funds.
If the entry has been recorded in the Client's account, but has not had a check cut and is not in Open Account Payable, then the Interface to Accounts Payable box was probably unchecked when the expense was entered. The transaction will need to be reversed and then reentered.
How to Reverse an Expense Transaction Entry with no AP interface:
Go to Activities>>Expense Entry
Client Information
Enter or select the Client whose expense entry is to be changed
The Client’s Last name, First name, and middle initials will auto populate
Transaction Information
Tab and enter the same Transaction Date used in the original entry
Tab and enter or select the same Transaction Code used in the original entry and tab. The modified description field will be populated and may be edited with information concerning the reversed entry.
The Interface to Accounts Payable checkbox should be UNCHECKED.
Print Separate Check should be UNCHECKED.
Accounts Payable Information
All of the Accounts Payable information should be the same as the entry that is being corrected.
Enter or select the Purchase Order #, Pay Group and Vendor Number as the original expense transaction.
Invoice Information
Enter the original Invoice Number and Reference information
Enter the original Transaction Amount as a negative number (-25.00)
Tab and it will prompt you to save this transaction or simply click the save icon at the top of the Expense Entry screen.
Then follow the instructions under the How to Enter an Expense, Edit List and Posting at the beginning of this topic to reenter the correct expense amount. If the expense transaction does not need reentered, proceed to the Edit List and Posting instructions.
See Also: