Created:  04/24/2013

Section 8 Tax Tracking Setup

Go to Settings>>Section 8 Tax Tracking Setup

This program is used to setup one to nine tax items that are to be tracked.  Tax Items that are entered into one of the nine fields will be displayed in the Rent Reasonableness Unit Master and the Section 8 Unit Master on the Tax Tracking tab under Applicable Taxes.

See Also:

Function Menu

Across the top of most modules are options to perform standard functions such as save and delete among others.  For more information on the functions that are available, click here.

Tax Setup

Tax Item 1 - 9

Enter a taxable item beginning with 1.  Continue to enter all taxable items that apply in fields 2 - 9.  Leave fields that are not used blank.

For Example:

Default Tax Type

Enter a check mark in all the boxes that are to be checked by default for new units.  Units that already exist will need their boxes check in the Unit Master.  A checked Taxable Item will have a column in the Tax Year grid to record payment of the tax.