Revised:  03/20/2013

Tenant Master - Deduction Worksheet

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Household Composition>>Quick Link>>Deduction Information

Or go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Household Composition and double click on a Deduction line displayed on the bottom right of the view.

This program is used to enter deduction information for members.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


The header displays the name of the head of house, the tenant number and the member number and name of the household member that you are entering/viewing deduction information for.

Header information may be displayed in the following colors:

Entry Area

The entry area is used to enter or edit individual lines of deduction information.  The information is not really saved until the line has been entered completely and has dropped down into the display window.

Line #

Enter an existing line number from those displayed in the window to edit or view the information.

When entering a new line, this field may be left blank and the system will assign the next available line number.  


If the displayed lines are numbered incorrectly, run the Renumber/Update Tenant File utility.

Deduction Class

Select a Deduction Class (deduction code) for a new line entered.  For a previously entered line the deduction class will be displayed and may be edited.

When a class has been selected, its description will be displayed in the field under deduction class.

Deduction Class codes are setup in Deduction Codes.

Modified Description

When a Deduction Class has been selected its description will be displayed in the field under Deduction Class and in the modified description field.  The modified description may be edited/changed for this member only to more accurately reflect the deduction information being entered.


Enter the dollar amount of the deduction.  Clicking on the prompt button to the right of the field  or using the F4 key will bring up a calculator.  


Enter how often the amount is paid.

Annual Deduction

The program will calculate the annual deduction by taking the Amount entered times the Frequency entered.  Users may also enter the annual deduction amount.

Clicking on the prompt button to the right of the field  or using the F4 key will bring up a calculator.  


If you are tabbing through the line, the details screen will not open unless you press the enter key when the button is active (has dotted lines around it).

Clicking on the details button for the line of data will open the Tenant Deduction Source Detail Information screen.

The Deduction Class and Description that was entered for the line are displayed at the top of the view.

Deduction Window

The deduction window displays the information that was entered through the entry area for each line.  Some of the displayed information may be changed in the grid or the line may be brought back up into the Entry Area for editing by double clicking on a line in the window.

The following information is shown in the window:

Total Deductions

The total for all of the entered deductions is displayed.


Tenant Deduction Source Detail Information

Name and Address Information

If the Default Source Information displayed on the right side of the view is correct, this area may be left blank.  The Default Source Information can be merged into forms and letters unless the Name and Address Information is filled in.  When the Name and Address is filled in on the left side that is the information that will merge for this member only.


If the deduction name is different than the Default Source Information, enter it here.  Otherwise leave this field blank.

Address 1 and 2

In address 1 and 2 enter the address for the deduction if it is different than the Default Source Information on the right.  Otherwise, leave these fields blank.

City, State and Zip Code

Enter the zip code to auto fill the City and State information or enter the City, State and Zip Code if different than the Default Source Information.


Enter a phone and fax number for the deduction line if it is different than the phone and fax number displayed in Default Source Information.

Default Source Information

The default source is entered in the Deduction Code Master.  Default source information should only be changed in the Deduction Code Master if it should affect everyone else who has had the Deduction Class applied.

Other Information


This field is available for users to enter a Contact name or other information for the deduction.


Click the Save button to save information that has been entered and close the view.


Click the Cancel button to close the view without saving information that was changed or entered.