Revised:  10/05/2012

Distributed Interest Calculation

Go to Utilities>>Security Deposit Interest Calculation>>Distributed Interest Calculation

This program will create distributed interest transactions in the Cash Receipt Entry program.

See Also:

Interest Distribution

Community Selection

Select one or more of the communities shown in the grid by clicking in the box to insert a checkmark.

Select All

Click the Select All button to select (checkmark) all of the communities in the grid.

Unselect All

Click the Unselect All button to unselect (uncheck) all of the communities in the grid.

Security Deposit Code Selection

Select one or more of the security deposit codes shown in the grid by clicking in the box to insert a checkmark.

Select All

Click the Select All button to select (checkmark) all of the security deposit codes in the grid.

Unselect All

Click the Unselect All button to unselect (uncheck) all of the security deposit codes in the grid.

Transaction Information

S/D Interest Code

Enter or select a security deposit interest code for the created transactions.

Effective Date

Enter or select an Effective Date for the created transactions.

Transaction Date

Enter or select a Transaction Date.

Only S/D Balances Over

Enter a base amount for the transactions.  Tenants with security deposit amounts under this amount will not have transactions created for them.

Total Interest Amount

Enter the amount of interest that is to be distributed to tenants or enter the flat amount that is to be distributed.

Create Transactions

Click the Create Transactions button to begin the distribution calculation.

During the distribution calculations the following information box will be shown:

When the transactions are complete the following process complete box will be shown:

Click OK.


Other Information for Distributed Interst Calculation:

Edit List

The edit list for distributed calculations may be previewed or printed from Cash Receipt Edit List  which may be accessed from Utilities>>Security Deposit Interest Calculation>>Interest Edit List (Cash Receipts) or from Activities>>Cash Receipts Processing>>Cash Receipts Edit List.

Edit Transactions

Transactions may be changed or deleted in Cash Receipts Entry


Transactions may be posted from Utilities>>Security Deposit Interest Calculation>>Post Interest (Cash Receipts) or from Activities>>Cash Receipts Processing>>Post Cash Receipts