Revised:  04/21/2017

Area Master

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Management Tables>>Area Master

This program is used to setup information for an area which is the first three digits in the tenant number and controls the type of program the area is involved with.

Function Menu

Across the top of the view are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


Area Number

Enter a new unique 3 digit number or select an existing area to review.


For a new area, enter a descriptive name.  For an existing area that has been selected the name will be shown and may be edited.


General Information

Ledger ID

Select the home ledger/company the area will be associated with.

Program Type

Select one of the following program types for the area:

Exemption Amounts

The following exemption amounts are also set in Settings>>Tenant Management.  Enter exemption amounts in this area if the area should have different amounts than those in the settings file.

Disabled Adults (Never Head or Spouse)

Enter an exemption amount for a disabled adult who is not a head of household or the spouse of a head of household.

This field may be left blank if the exemption amount is the same as that entered in Settings>>Tenant Management.

Minors 17 or Under (Never Spouse)

Enter an exemption amount for a tenant member who is age 17 or under but who is not the spouse.

This field may be left blank if the exemption amount is the same as that entered in Settings>>Tenant Management.

Full Time Students (18 or Older)

Enter an exemption amount full time student age 18 or above.

This field may be left blank if the exemption amount is the same as that entered in Settings>>Tenant Management.

Elderly Family (Disabled or Handicap)

Enter an exemption amount for citizens age 62 or older or if the member is disabled or handicapped.

This field may be left blank if the exemption amount is the same as that entered in Settings>>Tenant Management.

Imputed Income Calculation

Imputed income figures are setup in Settings>>Tenant Management and should only be entered here if this area will use different imputed income figures than those already setup.

For Asset Value Greater Than or Equal To

Enter the asset value amount for the imputed income calculation.

This field may be left blank if the imputed income amount is the same as that entered in Settings>>Tenant Management.

Multiply the Value by

If an asset value was entered in the previous field enter the amount to multiply the entered amount by.

This field may be left blank if the amounts for this area will be the same as those entered in Settings>>Tenant Management.


Standard rent percentages are setup in Settings>>Tenant Management.  Percentage amounts should only be entered for the area if they should be different than those entered in the Settings file.

Rent Ratio

Enter the rent ratio percentage used to calculate the monthly total rent or leave this field blank.


Enter the minimum percentage used to calculate the tenant,s minimum gross rent or leave this field blank.

Max Rent

Enter the percentage amount used to calculate the monthly maximum rent for the tenant or leave this field blank.

Medical/Disability Threshold Information

The medical/disability percentage may also be setup in Settings>>Tenant Management.  To avoid having to update duplicate areas, this information should only be entered for the area if the area requires a different percentage amount than is in Settings.


Enter the percentage rate used to calculate the amount of unreimbursed medical and disability expenses that the family must pay before the PHA can deduct an allowance from their income.

This field may be left blank to use the percentage amount entered in the settings file.

Minimum Rent

The minimum rent amount may also be setup in Settings>>Tenant Management.  To avoid having to update duplicate areas, this information should only be entered for an area if the area requires a different minimum rent amount than is in the Settings file.


Enter the minimum rent amount.

This field may be left blank.


County Code

Enter or select a county code to associate with the area.

Late Charge Setup

Late Charge Information

Enable Area Based Late Charges

Select one of the following options:

??  Tenant Accounting Settings file.  These settings may affect Special Claims entered in the 50059 program.

Late Charge Mode

Select one of the following late charge modes:

Grace Period

Enter the number of days that tenants may pay late without being assessed a late charge.  The grace period is used with the "Per Day Charge After Grace Period (EOM Calc)" late charge mode.

Late Charge Amount

Enter the dollar amount to be used in the calculation of late charges.

Max Late Charge

Enter the dollar amount to be used as the maximum late charge.

Late Over Amount

Enter a dollar amount to exclude from late charges.  Tenants whose balances are at or below the entered amount will not have late charges assessed.

Late Start Override

Enter the number of days for the Late Start Override.

Rent Only Mode

Enter a check mark in the box if in Rent Only Mode.

Ceiling Rents

Ceiling rents may be entered for the bedroom sizes listed.

Apply to all Communities in this Area

Click this button to update all the communities associated with this area with the data entered in the ceiling rent fields.

Flat Rents

Flat rents may be entered for the bedroom sizes listed.

Apply to all Communities in this Area

Click this button to update all the communities associated with this area with the data entered in the flat rent fields.

Rent/Utility Billing Setup/Interfacing

Utility Billing Setup

Billing Mode

Select one of the following Billing Modes:

Utility/HAP Code

Select an Accounting Code to serve as the Utility or Hap Code.

Collection Loss Interface

Collection loss information may also be setup in Settings>>Tenant Accounting under the Refund/Loss Setup tab.  There is no need to duplicate the collection loss information in an area master unless the area needs different information than is in the Settings file.

If you are not using the Housing Billing Module there is no need to setup these fields.

Company Code

Enter a company code or leave this field blank.

For example:  C001

Receivable Group

Enter a receivable group code or lave this field blank..  Receivable codes are setup in the Housing Billing Module.

Accounting Code

Enter an accounting code for the collection loss or leave this field blank.

Interest Distribution

See Also:

Distributed Interest Calculation

Eligibility Months

Enter or select the number of months the tenant must wait before being eligible to receive interest.

Interest Mode

Select one of the following interest modes:

Flat Interest Rate

Enter the interest rate, if applicable.

Accounting Dates

If the Closing Mode is set to Area Closing in Tenant Accounting Settings then the accounting dates should be entered here.  If the Closing Mode is Global Closing or Community Closing these fields may be left blank.

Current Month Ending

Enter the current month ending date or leave this field blank.

Last Statement

Enter the last statement date or leave this field blank.

Section 8 Interface

Company Code

Select the appropriate company code for the Section 8 Interface.

Receipt Numbering

Last Receipt

If applicable enter the last receipt number used.  The system will update the receipt number after a base number has been entered.  

Inspection Interface

Enable Inspection Create on Move-Out

Check the Enable Inspection Create on Move-Out box if inspections information is to be created when a tenant move-out is processed.

Owner Information

Owner Information for Interface to MAT 30 Voucher Payment Submission

Enter the following owner information for voucher submission files:

Management Information

Enter the following management information for voucher submission files: