Revised:  10/05/2012

Tenant Activity

Go to Inquiries>>Accounting Inquiries>>View Tenant Account

Function Menu

The function menu at the top of Tenant Activity includes the following:


Tenant Number

Select a tenant using their Tenant Number or leave this field blank and select a tenant using their last name.

Last Name

Select a tenant using their Last Name or use the Tenant Number field.

First Name

When a valid tenant has been selected, their First Name will be displayed.

Middle Initial

When a valid tenant has been selected, their Middle Initial or name will be displayed.

Tenant Activity Window

This area displays the current charges and credits to the tenant's account.   The scroll bars at the bottom and right side of the window will allow the user to scroll through data that is not in view.

The following columns of information will be available:

If there is a second page of activity use the slide bar to view the next page or to go back to a previous page.

Depending upon Tenant Accounting Settings>>Cash Receipts Setup>>Cash Receipt Mode, the following options may be available:

Accounts Receivable Breakdown

The Accounts Receivable Breakdown button is located in the lower left corner of the view and is only available when Tenant Accounting Settings>>Cash Receipts Setup>>Cash Receipts Mode is set to Class Mode.  When pressed, the button will open a window/grid which will display the tenant's activity broken down by Class.

A sample of tenant activity window is shown below:



Strike Out Items that have been Applied

This modification is only available when Tenant Accounting Settings>>Cash Receipts Setup>>Cash Receipt Mode has been set to Open Item Mode

When the Stike Out check box is checked, items that have been applied will be crossed off.