Revised:  11/08/2011

Create Work Order from Recurring Setup

Go to Activities>>Create WO from Recurring

Work Order Activities

This program is used with the Recurring Work Orders program to create work orders for a date range based on information setup in the Recurring Work Order templates.

See Also:


Area Community Selection


Enter or select an Area to create work orders for or leave this field blank to create work orders for all Areas and their associated Communities.  The Name of a selected Area will be displayed in the Name field on the right.


Enter or select a Community to create work orders for or leave this field blank to create work orders for all Communities.

Date Selection

Start Date

Enter or select a date for the beginning of the date range.

End Date

Enter or select for the ending of the date range.

Other Options

Print Work Orders

Place a check mark in this field to have the created work orders print out during this process.

Create Work Orders

Clicking the Create Work Orders button will create work orders based on the Recurring templates for the date range and Area/Community information entered.

A Process Complete Information box like the one shown below will be displayed when the process is finished:

The created work orders may be viewed, edited or voided in Work Order Entry.