Calculate Late Charges

Go to Activities>>Delinquency Processing>>Create Late Charges

This program will calculate and create late charges for tenants who have outstanding balances.  Late charges are not posted to the tenant's accounts during this step of the process.  

See Also:


Closing Mode

Click on one of the following closing modes to view information on Calculating Late Charges:


Global Closing

Date Information

Effective Date

Enter or select an Effective date for the late charges.


Click the Process button to begin the calculation of late charges.  While the program is calculating the following screen will be shown:

When the process has finished the calculations the following process complete information box will be shown:

Click the OK button to close the information box.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.



Community Closing


Area Number

Enter or select an Area for the calculation of tenant late charges.

Community Number

Enter or select a Community that is associated with the selected area.

Date Information

Effective Date

Enter or select an Effective Date for the late charges.


Click the Process button to begin the calculation of late charges.  While the program is calculating the following screen will be shown:

When the process has finished the calculations the following process complete information box will be shown:

Click the OK button to close the information box.


Click the cancel button to close the program.



Area Closing


Area Number

Enter or select an Area for the calculation of tenant late charges.

Date Information

Effective Date

Enter or select an Effective Date for the late charges.


Click the Process button to begin the calculation of late charges.  While the program is calculating the following screen will be shown:

When the process has finished the calculations the following process complete information box will be shown:

Click the OK button to close the information box.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.