Revised:  04/21/2017

Tenant Accounting Settings

Go to Settings>>Tenant Accounting

The settings file contains fields/controls that assist the program to work and in some instances control "modes" that allow the system to work differently than when a "mode" is not activated.

Some settings should not be changed unless instructed by Horizon Personnel.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


Batch Tracking

This area tracks the last batch number used for cash receipts; adjustments and other receipts.

Last Cash Receipts Batch #

When the system is first set up a number is entered into this field usually during the implementation setup.  After the initial setup, the system will track the last batch number used for cash receipts and display it in this field.  

Last Adjustment Batch #

When the system is first set up a number is entered into this field, usually during the implementation setup.  After the initial setup, the system will track the last batch number used for adjustments and display it in this field.

Last Receipt Number

When the system is first setup a number is entered into this field, usually during the  implementation setup.  After the initial setup, the system will track the last receipt number used and display it in this field.

Last Statement Date

When in Global Closing mode, this area will display the date the statements were last created and or printed.

Period Ending Date

When in  Global Closing mode, this area will display the month ending date of its current period.  Transactions are not permitted unless they fall within the current month or period.  The current period is updated during End of Month processing.

Closing Mode

Closing modes are usually determined during the implementation process and is usually not changed.

Select one of the following closing modes:

Flag Post Statement Transactions as Extended Due Date?

Place a checkmark in the square if transactions done after statements have been created should have an extended due date.  Otherwise leave this field unchecked.

NSF Charge Information

The codes and amounts entered here are part of the setup for automatically processing NSF charges when an NSF check is entered in Cash Receipts Entry.

NSF Charge Code

Enter or select an accounting code that has been setup for NSF charges.

NSF Charge Amount

Enter an amount that is to be automatically charged to tenant activity and history for an NSF check.

Batch Processing Mode

During implementation of the Horizon Tenant Management module batch modes should be set by the Implementation Specialist.

Cash Mode

Select one of the following cash modes:


The Setup button to the right of Cash Mode is used to bring up the Cash Receipt Batch Selection program which is used to setup new batch IDs and descriptions.  The Cash Receipts Batch Selection view is shown below:


Create New Batch

Enter a New Batch Description before clicking on this button.  An entry will be inserted into the grid such as the one shown:

The "New Batch Description is displayed under Description.  The batch ID is generated by the program.  The date is the date the batch was created.

New Batch Description

Enter a description for a new batch and then click the Create New Batch button.

Delete Batch

Clicking this button will bring up a delete confirmation box:

Click "Yes" to delete the selected batch

Click "No" to cancel the deletion and return to the batch setup screen.



The select button is used to select a highlighted batch.


Click the cancel button to close the program.


Adj Mode

Select one of the following adjustment modes:


The Setup button to the right of ADJ Mode is used to bring up the Adjustment Batch Selection program which is used to setup new batch IDs and descriptions.  The Adjustment Batch Selection view is shown below:

Create New Batch

Enter a New Batch Description before clicking on this button.  An entry will be inserted into the grid such as the one shown:

The "New Batch Description is displayed under Description.  The batch ID is generated by the program.  The date is the date the batch was created.

New Batch Description

Enter a description for a new batch and then click the Create New Batch button.

Delete Batch

Clicking this button will bring up a delete confirmation box:

Click "Yes" to delete the selected batch

Click "No" to cancel the deletion and return to the batch setup screen.


The select button is used to select a highlighted batch.


Click the cancel button to close the program.



Enter a check mark in the Quick box to add the Quick Adjustment Post option to the Adjustment Entry>>Quick Link Menu.

CB Mode

Select one of the following checkbook modes:

Other Codes

Transfer Code

Enter or select an accounting code to be used during transfers.

For Example:

13-00 Other

Payment Type Defaults

Default Type

To have Cash Receipts automatically default to a payment option, select one of the following:

General Ledger Options

General Ledger by Actual Date

Why use the Actual Date setting?   Most months the accumulated entries worked fine and kept fewer entries in the G/L.  However when problems happened, such as when the bank reconciliation would not balance.  Cash receipts did not add up to actual.  Tracking the deposits in the G/L was difficult.   With this new option it will be easier to track and reconcile these items with each posting.

Security Deposit/FSS

During the implementation process the codes required for this page should be setup and entered.

Security Deposit Receipt Accounting Codes

1 - 6

Enter or select up to 6 accounting codes for security deposit codes in lines 1 through 6.

For example:

02-00     Rent S/D

02-01     Pet S/D

02-02     Rent S/D Interest

02-03     Pet S/D Interest

02-91     FSS Escrow Interst

Security Deposit Companion Codes

Charge Code

Enter the first two digits of an accounting code for charges.

For Example:


SD to AR Code

Enter the first two digits of an accounting code for security deposits to AR code.

For Example:


NSF Check Code

Enter the first two digits of an accounting code for a NSF Check Code.

For Example:


FSS Payment Setup

Billing Code

Enter or select an accounting code to be used in FSS payments.

For Example:

02-90  FSS Escrow

AP Mode

Select one of the following:

Vendor #

Enter or select a vendor number as the default vendor for FSS payments.

Late Charge Setup

Late Charge Information

Late Charge Code

Enter or select an accounting code to be used as the late charge code.

For example:

13-50     Late Charge

Late Charge Mode

Select one of the following:

Grace Period

If your housing authority allows a grace period, enter the number of days grace the tenants will receive.  This field may be left blank if there is no grace period.

For Example:


Late Charge Amount

Enter an amount for the late charge.

Max Late Charge

Enter a dollar amount for the maximum late charge.

For Example:


Prorate Setup

Prorate Settings

The following settings control how the program prorates auto-bill charges for rent and other similar charges during move outs and transfers.

Round Prorates up to the nearest dollar

Place a checkmark in the square to indicate that prorated amounts should be rounded to the nearest dollar, otherwise leave the square unchecked.

Prorate Mode

Select one of the following proration modes:

Statement/ACH Setup

Statement Setup


A statement format is entered here.  Users should not change the format unless specifically instructed to by a Horizon employee.

Statement Port

Some statement formats may require a default printer port which may be entered here.

Header Line 1 through 5

Some statement formats may need Housing Authority Name and address information entered in these field.  If your format requires this information enter the information on as many lines as needed.  Lines that are not needed may be left blank.

ACH Interface Setup

Auto ACH Interface

Enter a check mark in the box if all or some of the payments are made by direct deposit instead of issuing paper checks for tenants.

ACH Company Location

Enter the company ID for ACH.  This is the Company/Fund ID in which ACH has been setup.

For Example:


ACH Setup Company

Enter the Company Code that was setup in ACH for Tenant Management direct deposit.

In the ACH module, go to Maintain>>Company Setup.  Locate an existing Company Code for Tenant Management or setup a new Company Code and information for Tenant Management direct deposit.

Receipt Setup

Receipt Setup

Receipt Format

A receipt format is entered here.  Users should not change the format unless instructed to by Horizon personnel.

Default Auto-Print Receipt to ON

When this box is checked, the "Auto Print Receipt After Save" field in Cash Receipts Entry defaults to checked when opened.  

The square may be left unchecked if your housing authority does not print receipts for tenants or if the HA does not want the field automatically checked.

Receipt Port

Some receipt formats may require a default printer port which may be entered here.

Header Line 1 through 5

Some receipt formats may need Housing Authority Name and address information entered in these field.  If your format requires this information, enter the information on as many lines as needed.  Lines that are not needed may be left blank.

Custom Billing Classes

Class Descriptions

Description 1 through 10

Up to 10 lines of billing descriptions may be entered.  Descriptions entered here will appear in the second column of Cash Receipts Code Linking on the Cash Receipts Setup page in Tenant Accounting.

For Example:

NSF Fees

Pet Charge


Cash Receipt Setup

Cash Receipts Mode

Select one of the following modes:

Main Cash Code

Enter an accounting code that will function as the main cash code.

Use Actual Date

When this field is checked the Actual Date field in Cash Receipts will be available for entry.  Uncheck the box to remove the Actual Date field from the Cash Receipts Entry view.

Build Summary

Clicking on this button will begin a process.  An information box will be shown indicating the progress.

A process complete box is shown when the process is finished.

Click OK.

Cash Receipts Code Linking

The first column displays standard cash receipt descriptions.  Additional descriptions entered on the Custom Billing Classes page are shown in the second column.


For the following descriptions enter an accounting code to link with if "Class Mode" is selected as the Cash Receipt Mode:

Also link any additional Custom Billing Class Descriptions, if any, in the second column in the same manor.

Payment Priorities by Month

Current and Prior

Enter priority ranking for each Cash Receipt Code for Current and Prior fields if Open Item Mode has been selected as the Cash Receipts Mode.

For Example:  Enter a "1" in the Current field for Rent and "2" in all other options.  This will cause Rents to be the first payment priority when in Open Item or Class Mode.

Refund/Loss Setup

Tenant Check Processing

Pay to Mode

Select one of the following modes:

General Tenant Refund (Move-out Process)

Refund Code

Enter or select an accounting code that is to function as the refund code.

AP Mode

Select one of the following Accounts Payable modes for refunds:

Vendor #

Enter or select a vendor to serve as the default vendor.  Tenant refunds may be sent to this vendor during the move-out process.  The vendor number should begin with an asterisk.

For Example:


Utility Allowance Reimbursement

Billing Code

Enter or select an accounting code to serve as the billing code.

For Example:

07-02     Utility Refund

AP Mode

Select one of the following Accounts Payable modes for Utility Allowance Reimbursements:

Vendor #

Enter or select a vendor to serve as the default vendor.

For Example:


ACH Payment Mode

Place a checkmark in the square if refunds are to include ACH electronic payments.

Calculation Type

Select one of the following types:

Collection Loss Setup

Collection Loss Code

Enter an accounting code to use for collection losses.

For Example:


Collection Loss Company

Enter the Company Code where collection loss information is to interface.

For Example:


Receivable Group

Enter a receivable group code that has been setup in the collection loss company.

For Example:


Balance Method

Select one of the following options: