Revised: 11/24/2015

Community Master

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Management Tables>>Community Master

This program is used to setup, maintain and associate a community with an area.

Function Menu

Across the top of the program are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


Area ID

Select a valid area code.  Area IDs are setup and maintained in the Area Master.

Community ID

Enter a new unique community identification code four characters in length or select an existing community ID.

Community Name

Enter, view or edit the Community Name.


Address Information

Enter the address for the community  in the fields provided.  Leave the second address line blank if it is not needed.

Accounting Dates

If the Closing Mode in Tenant Accounting is set to Community Closing then dates should be entered here.  For any other closing mode the date fields may be left blank.

Current Month Ending

Enter the last day of the month you are currently in.  After initially entering the ending date, the program will update these fields during the closing process.

For Example:

If you are entering cash receipts or adjustments for July of 2009 then the current month ending date would be 7/31/09.

Last Statement

Enter the date statements were last sent to tenants.  After initially entering the last statement date, the program will update the statement date during the closing process.

HUD Reference Numbers

Project #

Enter the project number assigned to the community.

Contract #

Enter the contract number assigned to the community.

Borrow ID

Enter the borrower ID.



Enter a region for the project.

Ledger ID

Enter the Company/Ledger ID for the community.

Subsidy Type

Select the appropriate subsidy type from the following list:


Community Details

Date Built

Enter the date the community was built.

Sq Footage

Enter the total square footage for the community.

# of Buildings

Enter the number of buildings in the community.

# of Units

Enter the number of units in the community.

Construction Type

Leave the field at Undefined as there are no other selections.

Type of Heating

Select one of the following heating types for the community:

Bedroom Counts

Enter a count of how many of each bedroom size is within the community.


Property ID

Enter the property identification for the community.

FIPS County Code

Enter the FIPS county code.

Elig Univ Code

Select one of the following codes:

1984 Indicator

Select one of the following indicators:

Plan Action

Select one of the following:

Region Code

Enter the region code for the community.

Field Office Code

Enter a field office code for the community if applicable.

HUD Owned

Place a check mark in this field if the community is owned by HUD.

Statement Numbering

Last Statement Number

Enter the last statement number used.  The system will increment this number for every statement.

Fiscal Information

Starting Month

Select a month as the starting month for fiscal information, if applicable.

Note:  This information is used for the Tenant Management Snapshot report which is only available when Tenant Management settings>>Cash Receipt mode is set to Class Mode.


Utility information may be assigned for the community in this area.  If the same utility information does not apply for the entire community, then assign utility information in the unit master.

Unit Type

Select a unit type.


Unit Types are setup and maintain by the user in the Unit Type Master File and then associated with a user maintained utility table in Utility Allowance Tables.


When a valid unit type is selected its description will be displayed.


Select the type of allowances for the community.  If allowances differ within the community enter the differences for the individual units in the Unit Master.


Select one of the following types of heating:

Heating Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community has a heating allowance.

Air Conditioning Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community has an Air Conditioning Allowance.


Select one of the following power sources for cooking:

Cooking Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to a cooking allowance.

Other Electric Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to other electric allowances.

Water Heating

Select one of the following sources used to heat water:

Water Heating Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to a water heating allowance.

Other Allowances

Water Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to a water allowance.

Sewer Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to a sewer allowance.

Trash Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to a trash allowance.

Range/Microwave Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to a range or microwave allowance.

Refrig Allowance

Checkmark this field if the community is entitled to a refrigerator allowance.

Utility Allowance Billing Information

Utility Code

Select the appropriate accounting code for billing from the list.  The code is setup in Accounting Codes

Enhanced Utility

Auto Pay Mode

Select one of the following auto payment modes:

Auto Utility Setup

Select the appropriate accounting code for the following if you are using an auto pay mode:

Select the appropriate vendor code for the following if you are using an auto pay mode:

Consumption Setup

Enter or select an Allowance Code for one or more of the following when applicable:

NOTE:  The allowance codes are setup in the Consumption Allowance Table.

NOTE:  The Utility Rate Codes are setup and maintained in the Consumption Rate Table.

Market Rents

Fair Market Rents

Enter fair market rent information for each applicable bedroom size in the community.

Fair Market rents may also be set in the County Master and the community FMR may be left blank if county codes are tied in properly.

New Construction Market Rents

Market rent information for new construction communities may be entered here.  If you do not have any new construction communities, this area may be left blank.

Contract Rents

Enter contract rent information for each bedroom size if applicable.


Ceiling/Maximum Rents (TC)

Enter ceiling and maximum rent information for each bedroom size listed for the community, if applicable.  Ceiling rents may also be entered in the Area Master and the community information may be left blank.

Flat Rents

Enter flat rent information for each bedroom size listed, if applicable.  Flat rent information may also be entered in the Area Master and the community information may be left blank.


Manager Information

Enter the following information for the manager which may be merged into forms or letters:

Return Address Information

Enter the following return address information which may be merged into forms or letters:


Owner Information to Interface to MAT30 Voucher Payment Submission

Enter the following information to interface MAT30 Voucher Payment Information:

Management Information

Enter the following management information if applicable:

Interfacing 1

Interface Parameters

Enter the following information to allow the system to interface within the program and with other modules:

Dft Warehouse

Select a default warehouse for the community, if applicable.


Warehouse codes may be setup within the following modules:

Pay Group

Select a default Pay Group for the Community.

FSS Paygroup

Select a default paygroup code for FSS entries within the community, if applicable.

AMP Code

Select a default AMP code for the community.

Inspection Group

Select an inspection group, if applicable, for the community.  Inspection groups are setup and maintained in the Inspection Module.

Billing Setup

The following information is needed to interface with the Materials Management (work order) module.  If you are not using the module, the Billing Setup information may be left blank.

Customer Number

Enter a customer number to be used as the default customer number.

Customer Numbers may be setup in the Materials Management module.


Enter a ship-to-code to be used as the default shipping code if applicable..

Mileage Rate

Enter a default mileage rate, if applicable.

Mileage Description

Enter a default mileage description, if applicable.

Do not bill inventory

Enter a checkmark in this field if the system should not bill inventory.

Do not bill mechanics

Enter a checkmark in this field if the system should not bill for mechanics.

Do not bill technicians

Enter a checkmark in this field if the system should not bill for technicians.

Do not bill custodians

Enter a checkmark in this field if the system should not bill for custodians.

Segment Control

Segment 1 - 9

Enter general ledger/amp segment information in the applicable fields

Interfacing 2

Collection Loss Interface

This area is used to setup information to interface to House Billing.  If the House Billing module is not used, this area may be left blank.

Company Code

Enter the Company/Fund ID for House Billing if applicable.

Receivable Group

Enter a receivable group code if applicable.  Receivable group codes are setup in the House Billing module.

Accounting Code

Enter an accounting code if applicable.

Inspection Interface

The following information is used to interface to the Inspection module.  If you are not using the inspection module this area may be left blank.

Site Group

Enter or select a site group code if applicable.

WO Site Link

Enter or select a work order site link if applicable.

Last Inspection

Enter the last inspection date for the community if applicable.

Next Inspection

Enter the next inspection date for the community if applicable.

Interfund Cash Setup

Note:  This area, when setup, will give the ability of inter-fund accounting when Cash Receipts are entered and posted.  

Cash Company

Select the company for cash receipts to be recorded in.

Cash Account

Select the general ledger account number for cash to be recorded in.  The account number should be in the company that was selected as the "Cash Company".

S/D Cash Account

Select the general ledger account number for security deposits to be recorded in.  The account number should be in the company that was selected as the "Cash Company".

Payable Account

Select the general ledger account number for payables to be recorded in.  The account number should be in the company that was selected as the "Cash Company".

Waiting List

Company ID

Enter the Company Fund/Ledger ID for the company that the Waiting List is in for this Community.


Other Monthly Charges

Charge Code 01 through 05

Enter any additional accounting charge codes in this area.  When a code is setup here, a field will become available in the Rent Calculation program on the Additional Charges tab for users to enter an amount.  The amount will be included in the final rent calculations for the tenants who reside in the Community.

Summer Months

January through December

Checkmark any month that should be included as a default summer month for billing purposes when the Auto-Bill Edit List and the Post Auto Bills programs are run.

Months that have a check mark will automatically be checked when the effective date falls within the month.  Default months can be unchecked at the time the programs are run if they are not needed.

Winter Months

January through December

Checkmark any month that should be included as a default winter month for billing purposes when the Auto-Bill Edit List and the Post Auto Bills programs are run.

Months that have a check mark will automatically be checked when the effective date falls within the month.  Default months can be unchecked at the time the programs are run if they are not needed.