Revised:  09/25/2013

Unit Master

Go to Maintain>>Tenant Management Tables>>Unit Master  

 OR go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Unit Master

This program is used to enter and maintain unit information associated with an Area and Community.

Function Menu

At the top of the program are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on functions click here.


Area ID

Enter or select an Area ID for the unit.  Area IDs are setup and maintained in the Area Master.


When a valid Area ID is selected, its name will be displayed in this field.

Community ID

Enter or select a Community ID for the unit.  Community IDs are setup and maintained in the Community Master.


When a valid Community ID is selected, its name will be displayed in this field.

Unit ID

Enter or select a Unit ID.


Address Information

The address information entered here is displayed as the tenant's unit information in the Tenant Master.  The address may be merged into forms and letters.

Address 1 and 2

Enter the street address for the unit on address lines 1 and 2.  Address 2 may be left blank if it is not needed.

City, State and Zip

Enter the city, state and zip code information for the unit.

Unit Parameters

Unit Status

Select one of the following:

PIC Unit Type

Select one of the following unit types:

HUD Project #

Enter the project number assigned by HUD.

HUD Unit #

Enter the unit number assigned by HUD.  

Apartment #

Enter the apartment number for the unit.

Building ID

Enter the building's identification number.

Entrance ID

Enter the identification number for the entrance of the building.


Enter the floor the unit is on in the building.

Bedroom Size

Enter the number of bedrooms within the unit.

Handicapped Accessible (General)

Enter a checkmark in the box if the unit is considered generally handicapped accessible.

Vision Accessibility

Enter a checkmark in the box if the unit is considered handicapped accessible for a vision impaired tenant.

Hearing Accessibility

Enter a checkmark in the box if the unit is considered handicapped accessible for a hearing impaired tenant.

Physical Accessibility

Enter a checkmark in the box if the unit is considered handicapped accessible for a physically impaired tenant.

Additional Details

Important Dates/Codes


Enter the unit's Date of First Availability (DOFA).


Enter the unit's End of Initial Operating Period Date (EIOP).

In Service Date

Enter the unit's "in service" date.

In Service Code

Enter the unit's "in service" code.

Out of Service Date

Enter the unit's "out of service date" if applicable.

Out of Service Code

Enter the unit's "out of service code" if applicable.

Move In Date

Enter the "move in date" for the unit.

Move Out Date

Enter the "move out date" for the unit.

Last Complete Inspection

When initially setting up a unit or if you are not using the Horizon Inspection module, enter the last completed inspection date.  Thereafter, when using the Horizon Inspection module, the inspection date will be updated when an inspection has been completed for the unit.

Next Inspection Due

When initially setting up a unit or if you are not using the Horizon Inspection module, enter the next inspection due date.  Thereafter, when using the Horizon Inspection module, the next inspection due date will be updated when an inspection has been completed for the unit.

To Maintenance Date

Enter the date the unit was to be taken out of service for maintenance.

Unit Ready Date

Enter the date the unit was ready for occupancy.


Market Rent

Checkmark the box if the tenant in the unit is at market rent.

Tax Credit

Place a checkmark in the box if the unit is a Tax Credit unit.  This field is only available when the Area Master for the unit is set as a Tenant Income Certification (TIC) Type.


Place a checkmark in the box if the unit is a HOME unit.  This field is only available when the Area Master for the unit is set as a Tenant Income Certification (TIC) Type.

Tax Exempt

Place a checkmark in the box if the unit is a Tax Exempt unit.  This field is only available when the Area Master for the unit is set as a Tenant Income Certification (TIC) Type.


Place a checkmark in the box if the unit is a PennHomes unit.  This field is only available when the Area Master for the unit is set as a Tenant Income Certification (TIC) Type.

Other Details

Square Footage of Unit

Enter the square footage of the unit.

Utility Allowances

Unit Information

Unit Type ID

Select a valid unit type from the list.  

Unit Type IDs are setup by the user in the Unit Type Master File and associated with an Utility Allowance Table.

Utility Allowances

If the utility allowance information has been set up in the Community Master, there is no need to set it up for the individual units unless the unit information should be different than the Community.

Select any of the following utility allowances for the unit and indicate the power source when applicable.  This information will be available to merge into forms and letters.


Checkmark one or more of the following to indicate that the unit is eligible for allowances:


Select one of the following sources of power for the checkmarked allowance in the unit if an allowance is to be given:

Utility Allowances (Other)

Checkmark any of the following utility allowances that would apply to the unit.

Reset Defaults from Community Master

Click this button to reset the utility allowance information for the unit to what is entered in the Community Master.

Enhanced Utility Control

Auto Payment Setup

Enter the following information for utility payment.  If you will not be using the auto payment feature, these fields may be left blank.

Enter the meter number for the following, if applicable:

Enter the account numbers for the following, when applicable:

Inspection Interface

Inspection information may be entered to assist in interfacing with the Inspection module.

Inspection Group (If Different than Community Master)

Inspection Group

Select an inspection group for the unit.

Bedroom Size

For informational purposes, the number of bedrooms available in the unit is displayed.

Bedroom Location Setup

Bedroom 1 - 6

Enter the following information for the bedroom available in the unit:


Changes to the Unit Master may be tracked automatically or a tracking item may be added using the "Add Tracking Item" process.

Note: Once a Tracking Item has been added it cannot be deleted.

Tracking Grid

The Tracking Grid will display the following information:

Available Details

For some tracking lines additional details will be available in the bottom window.

Add Tracking Item

Press the Add Tracking Item button to open the Add a Unit Tracking Item view.

Select a Tracking Code and enter a Modified Description, then press the Save button.

Add a Unit Tracking Item


The header will display the Unit Number and Address.  

Tracking Details

Tracking Code

Select a Tracking Code for the tracking item that is being added.  The description for the selected Tracking Code will be displayed underneath.

Modified Description

Users may enter their own description for the tracking item which will be displayed in the Tracking Grid.  If a Modified Description is not entered, the default description will be displayed in the Tracking Grid.


Press the Save button to save the tracking item.


Press the Close button to close the Add a Unit Tracking Item without saving.

Print Tracking Item

Press the Print Tracking Items button to open the Date Range for Tracking Item Printing view.

Date Range for Tracking Item

Start Date and End Date

Enter a beginning and ending date for the Tracking report and press OK.


Press the OK button to open a Print Dialog box where users can select a printer and press print.


Press the Cancel button to close the view without printing.

Exempt Days

Enter the following exempt information for the unit, if applicable: