Revised:  02/22/2016

Entitlement Setup

Go to Maintain>>Entitlement Master

Payroll Tables

This program is used to setup and maintain accumulation codes used to give and track employee leave time.  Accumulation codes are tied to earnings codes in the Earnings Master and may be entered in an employee's record in the Employee Master on 8 Entitlements tab.  The Employee Master will allow entry and tracking of up to eight entitlement codes.

An earnings code for leave time that has been linked to an accumulation code is used during time card entry to record that an employee has taken entitlement time.

Accumulation Cycle Codes associated with accumulation/entitlement code(s) are used during Automated Entitlement Processing to reset and add entitlement time.

See Also:

If you do not track leave time through the Horizon Payroll Module, this program may be left blank.

Accumulation Code

For a new accumulation code enter an alpha numeric code and tab to the next field.  If this is to be an Addendum table to add rows to an existing Variable Entitlement, enter the existing Accumulation Code with a plus (+) sign immediately after it.  For example:  If you need additional rows for a Sick Accumulation Code, enter the new Accumulation Code as Sick+.

For an existing Accumulation Code enter or select the appropriate accumulation code to pull up the information already entered/setup.


For a new accumulation code enter an appropriate description.

For an existing code the description will be displayed.  This description may be edited.

Earning Code

Enter or select an earning code to tie in with the accumulation code.  The code selected should not be a regular earnings code but it should be a leave earnings code.  Earning Codes are setup in the Earnings Master.

Some examples are shown below:


When a valid earning code is selected the description of the selected code will be displayed.

Accumulation Cycle

Select an appropriate accumulation cycle for the entitlement.

Cycle choices are as follows:

Cycles are used during the Automated Entitlement Process to control which Entitlement Codes are processed.

For Example:

When resetting counters or to post entitlements you select a cycle.  All entitlements associated for the selected cycle would then be reset/posted.


Select one of the following from the drop down menu:


Enter the normal number of hours in a regular work day.




Accumulation Rate

Enter a fixed amount that the employee will add to their entitlement when this code is processed.  If you are setting up a variable type, leave this field blank.

For Example:

If you enter a rate of 1.25 then every time the cycle/code is run everyone with this entitlement code would have 1.25 entitlement days or hours added to their account.

Days or Hours

From the drop down menu select either days or hours for the accumulation rate.  If you are using the variable table this field may be left blank.

Accumulate Only If

Enter an amount of time an employee must have worked within the set cycle to receive the accumulation.  If the amount of time entered is not worked by an employee during the cycle the entitlement will not be added to their records.
Note:  This field is also used for variable entitlement codes.
For Example:
If you enter 8.00 and choose hours then an employee must work at least 8 hours within the cycle to receive the entitlement.   If an employee works only 6.00 hours they receive no entitlement this cycle.


Select one of the following options:  

Note:  This field is also used for variable entitlement codes.


Yearly Information

Amount That Can Be Rolled Over

Enter the amount per employee that the employer allows to be rolled over to the next year.  If none of the accumulated time is allowed to rollover enter zeros.

Accumulation totals are rolled over once a year by running the Accumulation Roll-Over program.

Maximum Accumulation Amount

Enter the maximum amount of accumulation allowed by the employer.  

This number should be greater than or equal to the accumulation rate entered.

Once the maximum amount has been reached for an employee no further accumulation would occur.

Maximum Employer Liability

Enter the amount of entitlement that the employer is liable for when an employee leaves.


If you enter 10 and the accumulation rate is set to days.

Mary has accumulated 20 days of vacation over the years and is quitting.  The employer is only liable to pay her for 10 days of vacation time.

Number of Days Until Expiration

Enter the number of days the entitlement is good for until it expires.

Probation Days

Enter the number of days from the Hire Date that the program should wait until applying this entitlement to an employee.

NOTE:  Hire Dates are entered in the Employee Master for each employee on the 3-Withholding/Dates tab.

Other Settings

Do NOT Print on Stub/Slip

When this box is checked, the Entitlement information will not print on the employee's pay stub or slip.


This tab page is used to setup a variable table with the following information:

Date to Use

The entered table will use the from and to entries as years against the selected date field.

Select one of the following:

These dates should be recorded for each employee in the Employee Master on the 3 Withholding/Dates tab.


Up to eight lines of information may be entered into the table for the following:


A sample variable table is shown below: