Revised:  10/16/2013

Section 8 Payables Settings File

Go to Settings>>Section 8 Accounting

This program is used to enter and maintain settings for vouchers and house billing.

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and clear.  Click here for more information on the functions available.


Aging Parameters

Aging parameters are used in calculating aging reports.  The descriptions are used as the column headings.

Age Invoices By

Select one of the following aging options:

Period 1 through 4

Enter the number of days for each of the aging periods

Description 1 though 4

Enter a description for each of the aging periods.

For Example:


Last Voucher #

This field tracks the last voucher number used in the program.

Last Journal #

This field tracks the last journal number used in the program.

Last Compression #

This field tracks the last compression number used in the program.

Last FSS Adj #

This field tracks the last FSS adjustment number used in the program.


AP Mode

Select one of the following modes for Accounts Payable:

Default Cycle

Enter the Payment Cycle that is to be the default.

For Example:


Online GL Interface

This field is for a future revision and should be left blank at this time.

Enter Transaction Date

Place a checkmark in the box if users are to enter the transaction date rather than have it default to the same date as the Invoice Date in Section 8 Voucher Entry.

Cash Basis Mode

Place a checkmark in the box if the program is to be run in a cash basis mode.

FSS Interest Rate

Enter the interest rate for FSS calculations.

Landlord Setup

Assign Landlord Number

Place a checkmark in the box if the program is to assign landlord numbers when new Landlords are entered in the program.  Leave this field blank to assign landlord numbers manually.

Automatically Add Zero's to Start of Landlord Number

Place a check mark in this field if the program is to fill out the landlord number with zeros.

Last Landlord Number

When "Assign Landlord Number" is checked, this field will track the last landlord number used.

Number of Zeros

When "Automatically Add Zero's to Start of Landlord Number" is checked enter or select the number of total characters that should be in the number.

For Example:

If you enter 15 as the new landlord number and enter a 4 as the number of zeros to fill, the program will make the new landlord number 0015.

The number of zero's is the total number of characters to be used in the landlord number.  Zero's will fill out to make the number of characters in the total landlord number equal the number assigned for the number of zeros.  In this case the total landlord number will be 4 characters long.


Update Payment Data Screen with Manual Transactions

Place a checkmark in this field if payments entered manually in Section 8 Voucher Entry, posted and checks printed, are to update the Payment Summary view in the Landlord and Agent Master.  Additional fields will be available on the Distribution tab in Section 8 Transaction Entry.

In addition, Special Landlord Payments and Special Tenant Payments entered under Retroactive Payment Information in a tenant's Rent Calculation and sent using Quick Link>>Send to Check Processing NOW will update the Tenant and/or Landlord Payment Information under Contract on the Payment Data tab in the Section 8 Tenant Master.  Users will need to close and reopen the Tenant's file in order to see the update.

Check/ACH/Card Setup

Check/Slip Information

Information for the checkbook may also be entered in the Check Book Master if you are using more than one checkbook that have different check formats otherwise the checkbook format should be entered here.

Standard Check Format

This field will show the check format that may be used when checks are printed.  Check formats may also be entered in the Check Book Master.    Format information should not be changed unless instructed by Horizon personnel.

Formats may be entered/changed by selecting a check format.

Void Check Vendor #

A vendor number may be entered here for voiding purposes.

Alignment Check Vendor #

A vendor number may be entered here for alignment checks.

Direct Deposit Formats

This field will display the entered direct deposit format, if any were entered.  Formats should not be changed unless instructed by Horizon personnel.

Check Printing Order

Select one of the following orders for printing checks:

Register Printing Order

Select one of the following orders for the register:

Generic Check Printer Path

The network path to a generic check printer may be displayed in this field.  Information should not be entered here unless done by or instructed by Horizon personnel.

Check Book Path

The network path to a check book may be displayed in this field.  Information should not be entered here unless done by or instructed by Horizon personnel.

ACH Settings

This area is used to activate and setup information pertaining to the automatic creation of an ACH direct deposit batch, report and file during the Create, Print and Post Checks process.

The Horizon ACH module must be implemented and a Section 8 Company file created for it.

Auto Create ACH Batch and File

Place a checkmark in the box to activate the process of automatically creating an ACH batch and file when Section 8 checks are processed and posted.

ACH Location

Select the Company/Fund ID where the Section 8 company information has been setup.

ACH Company Code

Enter the Company Code that was setup in the ACH module.  The Company Code  in the ACH module should contain the path and information for the Section 8 direct deposits.

Direct deposit routing information must also be setup for the landlords and tenants whose payments will be directly deposited into their accounts in the Landlord Master and the Tenants (Active) programs.

CB Interface Mode

Select one of the following options to interface ACH payments to the checkbook:

Accounting Card Information

Print Cards

Place a check mark in this field if accounting cards are to be printed.  

Card Printer Port

The port for the card printer may be shown or entered in this field.  

Housing Billing Interface

The housing billing information may be left blank if the Housing Authority does not have the module installed.

Housing Billing Company Location

Company Code

Select the code for the company in which the Housing Billing module is used.

This field may be left blank if the Housing billing Module is not used.

Housing Billing Company Location

Port Company

Select the code for the company in which portable tenants billing information will be sent from.

Receivable Group Setup

Tenant Billing

Select a receivable group for tenant billing from the list.

Other Billing

Select a receivable group that will be used for other billing from the list.

Receivable Group Setup

Port Group

Select a receivable group for portable groups from the list.