Revised:  03/07/2016

Section 8 Landlord Master

Go to Maintain>> Landlords

or go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Landlord Information

This program is used to enter and maintain Landlord information.

See Also:

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions, such as Save and Clear.  Click here for more information on functions.

Quick Link

The following programs are available from the quick link menu:


Landlord Number

Assign a unique alpha-numeric code for a new landlord.  This field may be left blank to have the program assign the landlord number if Section 8 Payables Settings File has the "Assign Landlord Number" field checked.  For an existing landlord, enter or select an existing landlord number to view or edit their information.

Landlord numbers are key values and may not be changed.

Sort Key

Enter the Last Name, First Name or Company Name (i.e. Doe, John or ABC Company) for a new entry.  

For an existing sort key, enter all or part of the sort information and/or select the appropriate information to view the information for the landlord.

Landlord Name

Enter the First Name, Last Name or Company Name (i.e. John Doe or ABC Company) for a new landlord or edit the existing landlord name.


General Information


Enter, edit or view a Landlord's address.

City, State and Zip

Enter, edit or view the city, state and zip code information for a landlord.

Phone 1 and 2

Enter, edit or view up to 2 phone numbers for a landlord.

Miscellaneous Information


Be sure to mark a new Landlord as active.   Select Inactive for those landlords who have left the program.


Users may enter a designated type for landlords.  This is a way to group landlords for reporting purposes.

For example:  Use a type of MLTI to group landlords who have multiple properties in the program and SNGL to group landlords with only one property.  These are only examples, other types may be used.


Select Male or Female for the landlord's sex.


Select one of the following for the landlord's race:

Alternate Check Address Tab

Alternate address to mail checks to

Sort Key

Enter, edit or view the sort key for landlord checks.  This field may be left blank if the main address information will be used for checks.

Check Name

Enter, edit or view the name the landlord wants printed on their checks.  This field may be left blank if the landlord name in the header will be used for checks.

Address 1 and 2

Enter, edit or view up to two lines of address information for the landlord checks.  Alternate address lines may be left blank if the main address will be used for checks.

City, State and Zip Code

Enter, edit or view the city, state and zip code to be used for checks.  The alternate check city, state and zip code may be left blank if the landlord's main address will be used for checks.

Agent Linking

Agent ID

Enter or select an agent number to associate with the landlord or leave this field blank if the landlord does not use an agent.  

Hap to Agent

Check the box if the landlord's check is to be sent to the agent.  The agent should be setup to receive the 1099 for the checks and then will be responsible for sending a 1099 to the Landlord.

1099 Information

1099 Information

ID Type

Select the Landlord ID type as one of the following if they will be receiving a 1099:

Federal ID  

Enter the Federal EIN or Social Security Number for the landlord if they are to receive a 1099.  

W9 Returned

Check mark this box when a Landlord has returned their W9 form.  The box should be unchecked when W9 forms are sent out and then rechecked to indicate that the Landlord has returned their form.

Electronic 1099

Enter a check mark in the box if you will be sending the recipient 1099s to document viewer instead of printing them out to send.

Income Type

Select the income type for the 1099.  The most common type for landlords is 1. Rent.  

Options for selection are:

1.  Rents

2.  Royalties

3.  Other Income

4.  Federal Withholding

5.  Fishing Boat Proceeds

6.  Medical Payments

7.  Nonemployee Compensation

8.  Sub Pay in Lieu of Interest

9.  Direct Sales > $5000.00

    None Selected

Send 1099

Check this box if the Landlord is to receive a 1099 at the end of the year and fill in the federal identification and name control.  1099 information is not pulled for landlords who do not have this field checked.

Backup Withholding

Place a check in this box if you are doing backup withholding for this landlord.  

Name Control

When the "Send 1099" field is checked the program will insert name control information when this field is entered (by tabbing, clicking or entering).


Name Control information is only mandatory if electronic reporting of 1099 information will occur.  The Section 8 module includes a Review 1099 Name Control Information program where name control information can be entered, reviewed or generated for vendors and landlords.  

1099 Mailing Address Information

Enter the address to where the 1099 is to be mailed.  If 1099 information will be pulled by 1099 Name Line and Address, the 1099 mailing address should be entered.


Enter the landlord's name as it is to appear on the 1099.  This field may be left blank if the 1099 will be pulled by the main landlord name and address.


Enter the landlord's address as it is to appear on the 1099.  This field may be left blank if the 1099 will be pulled by the main landlord name and address.

City, State and Zip Code

Enter the landlord's city, state and zip code as it is to appear on the 1099.   These fields may be left blank if the 1099 will be pulled by the main landlord name and address.

Direct Deposit/Online Access

Direct Deposit Information

If payments to the Landlord are to be directly deposited to their bank account, enter the routing information for the checks.

Direct Deposit information may also be entered using the Landlord Direct Deposit Update Grid.

Routing Number

Enter the landlord's nine digit bank routing number.   This field may be left blank if the landlord will receive a printed check.

If 9 digits are not entered the following message will be displayed when the file is saved, click OK and correct the routing number:

Account Number

Enter the landlord's bank account number.  This field may be left blank if the landlord will receive a printed check.

Account Type

This field may be left blank if the landlord will receive a printed check.

Select one of the following account types for the direct deposit:

Disable Direct Deposit

Place a checkmark in this field to stop the process of sending this landlord's check information through the direct deposit ACH process.

Online Setup

These three fields are used to give the landlord access to the website where the landlord may view ACH check information that has been sent using Publish Checks.

After this information is entered, go to Quick Link and select "Send Web Login Information to" from the drop down menu.  This will setup or update the landlord's login information.


Enter the landlord's email address, if applicable.  This field can be left blank.


Enter the landlord's login information for the website.

Login information must be your HA's PA# followed by the Landlord Number.

For Example:



Enter a password for the landlord to use when logging into

Note:  After the Weblogin and Password have been entered, go to Quick Link>>Send Web Login Information to  Then go to Utilities>>Send Online Payment Information to upload the landlords payment information.

If a Landlord forgets their password information, the password will need changed in this program the new password information sent from this program using Quick Link>>Reset Landlord Password program

User Defined

User Defined Text/Dates/Numbers

This area is for users to set up additional tracking for text, dates and numbers for reporting purposes.  These fields may be left blank.


This area is for entering text information relating to the landlord.  All portions of a previously entered note may be edited.

New Note

Clicking the "new note" button will insert the current date in the Note Date field in preparation for entering a note.  

Note Date

Enter a date for the note in a mm/dd/yy format.  Clicking the "New Note" button will insert the current date in the Note Date field.

The body of the note may be viewed by clicking or highlighting its Note Date or Subject.


Enter, view or edit the subject of a note.

The body of the note may be viewed by clicking or highlighting its Note Date or Subject.

Note Body

Enter comments for Landlord/ in this area (for your information)

Notes may be viewed for a specific date by highlighting the Note Date or the subject.   

Print Note

Clicking the print note button will bring up a print dialog box.  Select the appropriate printer and click print.

Print All Notes

click the print all notes button to bring up a date range selection box.  Enter a beginning and ending date for the range.  Click OK to bring up a print dialog box.  Select the appropriate printer and click print.

Payment Summary

Month and Payment Amount

This screen is updated by the system and allows you to see monthly payment totals for the Landlord for the current year unless the rebuild has not been done, then the amounts displayed may be for more than one year.  

When the end of a calendar year has been reached, payments made to the Landlord in January of the next calendar year will go into the second January field.  This information will be moved to the first January field when the Rebuild Landlord View Totals program is run and totals for the year that has ended will be removed.

YTD amount and previous year’s total payments are also displayed.


Clicking on one of the amount fields will pull up a Landlord Payment Report by Tenant for the month the amount was in.

The payment information can be reset for the year with Rebuild Landlord View Totals.


Quick Attachment bar

Use the navigational icons on the bar to Add, Scan, email, etc.



Select a Category for the attachment.

Start Date / to End Date

Enter a Start Date and to End Date to filter or add attachments.

Attachment Window

The attachment window will display a list of attached documents or archived tenant information and the date they were added.

See How to Attach a Document for more information