
Section 8 Transaction Entry

Go to Activities>>Section 8 Payable Vouchers>>Section 8 Voucher Entry

This view is used to enter payment vouchers, void checks, create FSS transactions and other types of payable transactions.

Tabbing through the fields will insert default information in some areas.

See Also:

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as save and close.  For more information on functions click here.

Quick Link


Voucher #

When entering a new voucher, leave the voucher number blank as the system will assign it.  To view a voucher that has already been entered, but has not been posted, you may enter or select the voucher number.  Voucher numbers that have been entered and awaiting posting may be pulled up, edited or deleted.

Trans Type

Transaction types control what the voucher is to do.  For instance, a cancellation voucher will cancel out a previously entered and posted voucher.

Select one of the following transaction types:

Payee Type

Select one of the following payee types for the voucher:


Vendor Information

Vendor #

Enter or select a vendor number for the voucher.  Vendor information is pulled from the active Landlord, Agent or Tenant files.

Vendor Name

The selected vendor's name will be displayed in this field.  Although you may type in a different vendor name, when the transaction is saved it will revert back to the original vendor name.

Address, City, State and Zip

The address for the selected vendor is displayed in this field.  Address changes cannot be made here.  Address corrections must be made in the Tenant Master, Landlord Master or Agent Master

Processing Parameters

Process Category

The Process Category field is used with VMS reporting.  Select one of the following types:

The description entered here will be shown in the Ref column in the Payments for Tenant program or in the P.O. Number column in the Vendor History - Checks program.


Enter or select a payment Cycle.  This is a required field.  Cycles are setup and maintained in Payment Cycles.

Invoice Information

Invoice Number

Enter an invoice number for the transaction.  Invoice numbers can be the tenant, landlord or agent name or a number of your choosing.  This is not a required field and may be left blank.

VMS Date

The current date will be the default entry for this field.  A different date may be entered or selected for the invoice.

G/L Date

The current date will be the default entry for this field.  A different date may be entered or selected for the invoice.   The date that is entered here is the date the voucher information will be interfaced to the general ledger.

Due Date

The date will default to a date determined by the terms selected for the voucher.  The due date may be changed.

Invoice Amount

Enter the amount of the voucher.  If the transaction type is void or cancellation the invoice amount will default to the amount of the original check/voucher.

Tenant Information

When the payee type is Tenant Transaction, Tenant Information fields will default,upon saving, to the selected tenant's number for Project, Unit and Tenant and may not be changed.

For vouchers with a payee type of Landlord or Agent Transactions, the Project, Unit and Tenant fields will be available for entry.


For Tenant Transactions this area will be pre-selected and may not be changed.  For other Transaction types a Project number may be entered or selected for informational purposes.


For Tenant Transactions this area will be pre-selected and may not be changed.  For other transaction types a unit type may be entered.  The unit may be selected using the Project browse.


For Tenant Transactions this area will be pre-selected and cannot be changed.  For other transaction types the tenant number may be entered.  When the Project is selected using browse the tenant number will be displayed.

Invoice Description

Enter a description for the voucher.  This is not a required field and may be left blank.

Check Processing

Separate Check

Place a check mark in the box if this voucher should be paid on a check by itself.

Normally all vouchers for the same vendor are paid on the same check unless this box is checked.

Check Information

These fields are dimmed and entry is not allowed for most transaction types.   For the following transaction types a check number and check date should be entered.


Enter a check mark in the Electronic box for checks that will not be printed to paper.  

Check #

When applicable, enter a check number for the transaction.

Check Date

When applicable, enter a check date for the transaction.


Distribution Entry Area

Distribution information must be entered or generated for every voucher or the voucher will not post.

Distribution lines must be entered or tabbed through until they drop down into the distribution window or the distribution information will not be saved for the voucher.

Invoice Amount

This area displays the invoice amount entered on the front screen.


Distribution totals that have been entered are displayed here.


When this tab page is first entered, the remaining total is displayed as the invoice amount.  As distribution lines are entered their total is "applied" and the remaining amount is reduced.

The remaining total must be zero when all distribution lines have been entered.

Line #

Leave this field blank when entering distribution lines and the system will assign the line number.  A previously entered line number may be entered to pull up the line number for editing.

Project, Cycle or blank

Depending upon the AP Mode parameter selected in Section 8 Accounting, users will need to enter or select a project, or a cycle to associate with the distributed amount.  For one option there is no field available for input.

Account Number

Enter or select a general ledger account number or accept the default.  This is a required field.

Account Description

The description for the selected general ledger account number will be displayed in this area and cannot be changed.


The description for the selected general ledger account number will be displayed, but may be edited to show information for the distribution line.

Dollar Amount

This field will default to the remaining total.  The dollar amount may be edited for the line.

Regular, Special and Deduction fields

When the Update Payment Data Screen with Manual Transactions box is checked in Section 8 Payable Settings the following fields will be displayed.  Transaction amounts may be auto-filled or entered in the appropriate change column.  When the Invoice is posted/paid the Payment Data screen will be updated in the Tenant Master with the transaction amounts.

Print on Check

If the check format supports this feature, placing a check mark in this field will print distribution information on the check stub.  Check formats that are designed to print distribution information may not need this field checked.

Distribution Window

Distribution lines that have been entered or tabbed through every field, will drop into the distribution window where the information is saved.  If a distribution line or change is not displayed in the window, it will not be saved for the voucher.

Lines showing in the window may be double clicked to bring them back into the entry area for editing.  Remember to enter or tab through the entire line until the change is showing in the window or it will not save.

Distribution lines may be edited within the window for information that is not grayed out.  

Save the voucher when done.


Quick Link

Print Manual Check

Go to Activities>>Section 8 Payable Vouchers>>Section 8 Voucher Entry>>Quick Link>>Print Manual Check

Section 8 Payable Vouchers>>Section 8 Voucher Entry

For a voucher with a Trans Type of Non Accounts Payable a check can be printed using this program, before the voucher is posted.  All other types will generate a warning.

When the print manual check program is selected from the quick link menu, a print dialog box will be brought up.


The selected check format must be one that supports the printing of manual checks.