Revised:  09/25/2013

Utility Reimbursement Edit

Go to Activities>>Utility Reimbursement Processing>>Edit Utility Reimbursements

This program is used to edit or view Utility Reimbursements that have been generated using the Create Utility Reimbursements program and selected by Transaction Number.  Data in undimmed fields may be changed if needed.  

Utility Reimbursement Transactions should not be added using this program.  If a utility reimbursement is missing, an Adjustment Entry should be created for the tenant using the 07-02 code.

See Also:

Function Menu

At the top of the view are functions such as clear all and delete.  For more information on functions click here.

Quick Link

Header Information

Transaction Number

Select a transaction to edit using the transaction number field  

Tenant Information

The tenant number and name fields cannot be used to pull up a transaction for editing.  

Tenant Number

The tenant number for the selected transaction number will be displayed.

Tenant Name

The tenant name for the selected transaction number will be displayed.

Transaction Information

Transaction Date

The field displays the effective date assigned when the Utility Reimbursement transactions were created.  The date may be changed.

Transaction Code

The Transaction Code is assigned by the system during the creation process and may not be changed.  

Do not add transactions for tenants using this program as transaction codes cannot be assigned.  If a utility reimbursement transaction needs added for a tenant, use the Adjustment Entry program with the 07-02 code.


The description for the transaction code is displayed and may not be changed.

Adjustment Information


Reference information may be added to the transaction.

Original Amount

The utility reimbursement assigned during the creation process will be displayed.  The amount may be changed.

Other Amount Owed

A total of other amounts owed by the tenant will be displayed in this area.  This information cannot be changed.

Apply to Other

Enter an amount to apply to the "Other Amount Owed" balance.  The system will not allow an amount to be saved if it is greater than the amount shown in "Other Amount Owed".

When the user has entered through the fields a "Question" box will be shown asking to Save - Yes or No.  The system will default with "Yes" as the active field.  If the enter key is pressed with the "Yes" button activated the system will save the transaction changes.  "Yes" may also be clicked to save the transaction or "No" may be clicked to return to the transaction for additional review or editing.

Direct Utility Payments

Utility payments that are paid to a utility company will be displayed, when applicable, for the following: