Defer Vouchers from Payment

Go to Activities>>Check Processing>>Voucher Selection>>Defer Vouchers

This program is used to defer payment of vouchers on a permanent or temporary basis.  Using this method of deferring a voucher does not generate any accounting entries.

Vouchers may also be cancelled using the Voucher Entry program which will reverse accounting entries made when the voucher was created.

Function Menu

Across the top of most programs are function options.  For more information on functions click here.


The header displays the voucher number, vendor number and vendor name fields.  The voucher that will be deferred may be pulled up by the voucher number or the vendor number.

Voucher #

Enter or select the voucher number that is to be deferred.  

Vendor #

Although this field will allow selection of a vendor number it does not bring up the voucher information for the vendor to be deferred.  Use the voucher number browse.

Vendor Name

When a valid voucher number/vendor number combination is selected the vendor name will be displayed.

Voucher Information

The following voucher information will be displayed for the selected voucher.

P.O. Number

For vouchers created during the Section 8 Accounting Post process the purchase order number will either be LP or TP for landlord payment or tenant payment.

Due Date

The due date that defaulted or was selected will be displayed.

Inv. Number

The invoice number that was entered or applied will be displayed.  Vouchers that are created during the Section 8 Accounting Post will show the tenant's last name.

Disc Date

The discount date will be displayed or may be edited in this field.

Inv Date

The date of the invoice is displayed in this field.


The payment cycle is displayed in this field.

Invoice Amt

The amount that was entered for the voucher will be displayed.

Amount Paid

If partial payments were made on the voucher, the total will be displayed here.

Invoice Bal

The balance remaining to be paid on the voucher will be displayed.

Disc Bal

The balance of the discount remaining, if any, will be displayed.

Invoice Net

The total amount remaining to be paid for the invoice will be displayed.

Okay to Defer

Place a checkmark in the box if the invoice is to be deferred.

Temporary or Permanent

The invoice may be deferred temporarily or permanently by placing the "dot" in one of the options.

See Also: