Revised:  10/04/2012

Post Tenant Auto-Bills

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Post Auto-Bills

This program will post the auto-bills to Tenant Activity and History files based on the selection made in this program.

See Also:



Some Public Housing Agencies edit and post based on specific area and community combinations.  Please follow your Housing Authorities' guidelines for reviewing and posting.

Area Number

Enter or select an Area Number for the auto-bills.  This field may be left blank to post all areas and their communities.

Community Number

Enter or select a Community Number for the auto-bills.  This field may be left blank.

Effective Date

Enter or select an Effective Date.  This date should match the date used on the auto-bill edit list.  This is the date the auto-bills will post to tenant accounts.

Frequencies to Process

Checkmark one or more of the following frequencies to include in the post. (you may check as many as needed)

Note:  Summer and Winter boxes may be setup to be checked automatically by month in the Community Master on the Charges tab.


Click the Post button to start the posting process.  As the posting is progressing an informational box such as the one shown below will appear:

When posting is complete, the following Process Complete Informational box will be displayed.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.