Revised:  09/26/2013

Tenant Rent Statements

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Print Tenant Statements

This program will create tenant statements for previewing and/or printing.  The process of creating the tenant statements will also update the "Last Statement Date" field with the new "Statement Date" entered when the program is run.

See Also:

Selection Mode

Community Based or Tenant Based


Click one of the following to view information regarding that selection mode.


Community Selections (Community Based)


Some Public Housing Agencies post based on specific area and community combinations.  Please follow your Housing Authorities' guidelines for Printing Statements.


Area Number

Enter or select an Area Number or leave this field blank.  

Community Number

Enter or select a Community Number or leave this field blank.

Date Selections

Statement Date

Enter or select a date for the statements.  

Due Date

Enter or select the date the payments will be due.

Sort Order

Select one of the following Sort Orders for the statements:

Include Credit Balances

Enter a checkmark in the square if statements should include tenants with credit balances.

Statement Comments

If your statement format supports this feature, a comment may be entered that will print on the statement.  

Statement Output Options

Clear Selections

Click the Clear Selections button to remove selected information for the tenant statements.


Click the Preview button to view the tenant statements on screen.  The tenant statements may be printed from within the preview screen.  Click here for more preview details.


Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select the printer and click ok to send the tenant statements to the printer.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.



Individual Tenant Selections

Tenant Based

Tenant Number

Enter or select a tenant by number for the statement or leave the field blank to select by last name.

Last Name

Enter or select a Last Name or view the tenant's last name if the tenant was selected using their tenant number.

First Name

When a valid tenant has been selected their first name will automatically be filled in.

Middle Initial

When a valid tenant has been selected their middle initial or middle name will automatically be filled in if it was entered in their tenant file.

Date Selections

Statement Date

Enter or select a date for the statements.  

Due Date

Enter or select the date the payments will be due.

Statement Comments

If your statement format supports this feature, a comment may be entered that will print on the statement.  

Statement Output Options

Clear Selections

Click the Clear Selections button to remove any selected information for the tenant statements.


Click the Preview button to view the tenant statements on screen.  The tenant statements may be printed from within the preview screen.  Click here for more preview details.


Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select the printer and click ok to send the tenant statements to the printer.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.


Manual Statement

Manual Statement Entry

Enter the following information to print on the statement:

Accounting Code Grid

Enter the amount for each applicable accounting code that is to appear on the statement.

The Statement Balance under the window will display the statement balance.  

Date Selections

Statement Date

Enter or select a date for the statement.  

Due Date

Enter or select a Due Date for the statement.  

Statement Comments

If your statement format supports this feature, a comment may be entered that will print on the statement.  

Statement Output Options

Clear Selections

Click the Clear Selections button to remove any selected information for the tenant statements.


Click the Preview button to view the tenant statements on screen.  The tenant statements may be printed from within the preview screen.  Click here for more preview details.


Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select the printer and click ok to send the tenant statements to the printer.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.