Revised:  10/04/2012

Tenant Auto-Bill Edit List

Go to Activities>>End of Month Processing>>Auto-Bill Edit List

This program will generate an edit list of tenant bills for the area, community, effective date and frequency selected.

See Also:



Some Public Housing Agencies edit and post based on specific area and community combinations.  Please follow your Housing Authorities' guidelines for reviewing and posting.

Area Number

Enter or select an Area Number for the list of auto-bills.  This field may be left blank to generate a list of all areas and their communities.

Community Number

Enter or select a Community Number for the list of auto-bills.  This field may be left blank.

Effective Date

Enter or select an Effective Date.  This date should match the date the rents will be posted.

Transaction Code Selection

To generate an edit list for one or more Transaction Codes place a checkmark in the codes to include on the list.

Select All

Click the Select All button to place a checkmark in alll of the Transaction Codes for the edit list.

Unselect All

Click the Unselect All button to remove all of the checkmarks.


A Code may be entered as an edit list selection option.

Frequencies to Process

Checkmark one or more of the following frequencies to include on the edit list. (you may check as many as needed)

Note:  Summer and Winter month options may be set to be checked automatically in the Community Master on the Charges tab.

Report Options

Clear Selections

Click the Clear Selections button to remove any selected information for the edit list.


Click the Preview button to view the edit list on screen.  The edit list may be printed from within the preview screen.  


Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.  Select the printer and click ok to send the edit list to the printer.


Click the Cancel button to close the program.