Revised: 12/11/2012
Go to Activities>>Auto-Setup Time Cards
This program will move employee earnings information, that have a check mark in the TC column in the Employee Master, over to the Time Card Entry program for the pay frequencies selected. If this program is run more than once for the same pay frequency/pay period, employee information will be doubled in the time card entry program. Duplicate lines may be deleted from the time cards if necessary.
When checks are processed and posted for a pay the time card information will be removed.
Time Card information may also be created for all employees using Create Global Time Card or Import Time Card Information.
See Also:
Click in one of the circles to select a pay frequency to process from the following options:
Enter or select the appropriate pay date.
Pay dates are setup for each frequency in the Pay Date Master. The system tracks and displays the current pay date for each frequency in use in the Payroll Settings file on the Report Control/AP Control Tab.
When a valid pay date is selected, the time card ending date setup for that pay in the Pay Date Master will be displayed.
The system will display the default cycles from the Pay Date Master. Additional cycles may be selected or a default cycle may be changed to pull the appropriate earnings into the time cards. Earning cycles are assigned in the Employee Master. Available cycles are as follows:
<<Not Selected>>
Every Pay
First and Second Pay Only
First Pay of Month
First thru Forth Pay Only
Fourth Pay of Month
Last Pay of Month
Second Pay of Month
Third Pay of Month
User Defined 1
User Defined 2
User Defined 3
Clicking in the field will insert a check mark to break out holiday time.
This field should be left blank if no holiday has occurred within the time card begin and end dates or if holiday time is not a special payment/tracking option used within the company.
To break out holiday time during the Auto-Setup of Time Cards, some of the following must also be setup:
Holiday dates must be entered in the Holiday Master
The holiday for this pay period must fall within the time card begin and end dates in the Pay Date Master.
A holiday earning code should be setup in the Earnings Master
If the field "Break out Holiday Time?" is checked, the Holiday Code field will be available to enter or select an appropriate earning code for the holiday time.
Press the Process Time Cards button on the Quick Links bar to generate time card information based upon the selections made. After the time card information has been generated, the program will display a "Process Complete" info box. Clicking the OK button will close the program.
This process populates the Time Card Entry program with employee pay information from the Employee Master that has a check mark in the TC column.