Revised:  09/02/2015

Rent Calculation

Go to Maintain>>Tenants (Active)>>Quick Link>>Rent Calculation

or go to Inquiries>>Inactive Tenants>>Quick Link>>Rent Calculation

This program will perform a rent calculation for the tenant based on the information entered for the tenant and household members.

Information available and calculated will be different based on the Program Type set for the project in the Project Master.

Function Menu

At the top of this program are functions such as save and delete.  For more information on the functions available click here.

Quick Link


The tenant name and number will be displayed for identification purposes.

Header information may be displayed in:

Effective Date

The Effective Date defaults to match the effective date on the Tenant Master general tab.  The date may be changed if needed.

The rent calculation that matches the effective is the rent calc that is in effect.

Caution:  A rent calculation for a date later than the effective date in the Tenant Master may affect other programs/utilities within the Tenant Management Module.

To view other saved rent calculations by date use the triangular arrow keys on the main Navigation bar or use the F7 and F8 keys to scroll through saved rent calculation dates.

U/A Effective Date

Enter or select an effective date for the Utility Allowance Table.

Utility Allowance Tables have effective dates associated with a set of rates.  Select an U/A Effective date that matches the effective date of the Utility Allowance Table to be used for the rent calculation.


Select one of the following reexamination types for the rent calculation:

Auto Calculation

For a new rent calculation or to recalculate press the "Auto Calculation" button.

The program will pull in financial, member and program information to calculate the tenant's rent.



The program will pull information for Asset and Income information from Household Composition.

Total Asset Value

The program will import the asset value from asset information entered for active members.  

Actual Income From Assets

The program will import the income value for the tenant's assets from the asset information entered for each member.

Imputed Income

The program will display imputed income, if any.

Wage/Other Income

The program will import wage and income from information entered in the Income Worksheet for each active member.

Assisted Wages

The program will display the amount of assisted wages.

Total Income

Displays the tenant's total income amount.


The program will pull in deduction information from the information entered for members.


The program will display the amount of assistance.


The program will display the amount of medical deductions entered in Deduction Information for Household Composition members.

Child Care

The program will pull the amount of child care expenses entered in the Deduction Worksheet for Household Composition members.


Displays a subtotal of deduction information.


The program will display the adjusted amount.


The deduction total is shown in this field.


This area displays the amount of allowances for household members.

Minors 17 and Under (Never Spouse)

This line shows the number of household members under age 17, if any, the allowance amount allowed per eligible member and the total allowance.

Disabled Adults (Never Head of Spouse)

This line shows the number of eligible disabled household members, if any, the allowance amount allowed per disabled adult member and the total.

Full Time Student 18 or Older

This line shows the number of full time students living in the unit, if any, the allowance amount allowed per student and the total.

Elderly Family/Disabled or Handicapped

This line displays the number of household members, if any, who are elderly, disabled or handicapped; the allowance allowed and the total.


Total Deduct/Allowance

Displays the total of the deductions/allowances.

Total Adjusted Income

Displays the total adjusted income for the tenant.


Total Tenant Payment Calculation

Monthly Max Rent

The program will calculate the tenant's maximum monthly rent amount.


Displays the percentage of income the monthly maximum rent amount is based upon.

Monthly Total Rent

The program will calculate the tenant's monthly total rent amount for the percentage displayed on the right.


Displays the percentage used to calculate the monthly total rent amount.

Minimum Gross Rent

The program will calculate the tenant's minimum gross rent amount for the percentage displayed on the right.


Displays the percentage used to calculate the tenant's minimum gross rent.

Welfare Rent

Displays the welfare rent amount.

Minimum Rent

Displays the minimum rent amount.

EV Minimum Rent

Displays the "Enhanced Voucher" minimum rent amount.

Total Tenant Payment

Displays the calculated total tenant payment (TTP) amount.

Qualify for Minimum Rent Hardship Exemption

Place a check mark in the box if the tenant qualifies for the minimum rent amount set by the housing authority.


Voucher Calculation

The Voucher Calculation tab is used for the following program types:

Unless the Unit Master for the tenant has Certificate Calculation selected as the Rent Calc Type when the MR/Cert Calculation will be displayed.

For a program type of Home Ownership the tab will be shown as Home Ownership.

Payment Standard

Voucher Size

Displays the voucher size for the tenant.  Voucher size is setup in the Unit Master.

Payment Standard

Displays the payment standard amount for the unit.  Pressing the browse button on the right side of the field will bring up a Voucher Payment Standard Browse.  The selected Voucher Size will be displayed.  Use the drop down arrow to select a different Voucher Size for the Calculation.

The following information will be displayed:

Lower of PS and GR

Displays the lower amount of PS - payment standard and GR = Gross Rent.  This would  be shown on the 50058 in field 12q.

Rent Information

Rent to Owner

Will display or allow input of the rent to owner amount.

Bedroom Size

The program will display the bedroom size set in the Unit Master or the bedroom size may be entered.

Utility Allowance

The program will display or allow entry of the Utility Allowance for the unit.

Gross Rent

The program will calculate and display the tenant's gross rent.

Monthly Payment Information

Tenant Rent

The program will show the amount of rent the tenant will be responsible for.

Utility Reimbursement

The program will show the amount of utility reimbursement, if any, based on amounts manually entered or the Utility Allowance Table associated with the Unit in the Unit Master.

HAP to Owner

The program will calculate and display the housing assistance payment (HAP) to owner.

Next Reg Payment Date

Enter or select the next regular payment date in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.

Percent of Income

The program will display the percent of income the tenant payment represents.


The comment field allows the user to enter a text notation regarding the rent calculation.

Owner Information

This area displays the Landlord number and name.

**Click here to go to information for Retro/Special/Fees tab.


Utility Payments

The Utility Payments tab in only shown in the Rent Calculation when the tenant has been setup in the Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup program.  The utility reimbursements will be paid to the vendor/landlord account that was selected in the Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup program instead of the tenant.

Amount to Pay

Utility Reimbursement

The Utility Reimbursement total will be displayed, if any.

Direct Payment Setup

The following fields are displayed, only those that have the Enable for Direct Payment field checked in the Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup program will be open for a utility reimbursement amount to be entered.

Reimbursement Amounts

Enter the payment amount for a utility, if any.  This field is only available if it has been enabled for direct payment in the Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup program.

Direct to

This field will display the vendor and account number that the utility payment will be sent to.  This information is setup in the Tenant Enhanced Utility Setup program


Home Ownership

The home ownership tab is only shown when the program type for the project is set to Home Ownership.

The Voucher Calculation tab is used for the following program types:

Unless the Unit Master for the tenant has Certificate Calculation selected as the Rent Calc Type when the MR/Cert Calculation will be displayed.

Program types are set in the Project Master.

Home Ownership Information

Homeownership Payment

Displays or allows entry of the house payment.

Utility Allowance

The program will show the amount of utility reimbursement, if any, based on a manually entered amount or the Utility Allowance Table associated with the Unit in the Unit Master.  The utility allowance amount may be edited.


Enter the amount of monthly maintenance allowance for the home.

Major Repairs Allowance

Enter the monthly allowance for major repairs.

Coop/Condo Assess

Enter the monthly amount of the tenant's Coop or Condo Assessment.

PI on Improvement Debt

Enter the monthly amount of principal and interest for Improvement Debt, if any.

Homeownership Expense

The program will display the total of the monthly expenses entered.

Payment Standard

Approved Standard

The program will pull the approved standard or the user may enter the approved standard.

Actual Standard

The program will pull the actual standard or the user may enter it.

Monthly Payment Information

Tenant Rent

The program will display the amount of rent the tenant is responsible for.

Utility Reimbursement

The program will display the amount of utility reimbursement, if any.

HAP to Owner

The housing assistance payment to the owner is shown in this field.

Next Reg Payment Date

Enter the next regular payment date in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.

Percent of Income

The program will display the percent of income the tenant payment represents.


The comment field allows the user to enter a text notation regarding the rent calculation.

Owner Information

This area will be blank.

**Click here to go to information for Retro/Special/Fees tab.


MR/Cert Calculation

MR/Cert Calculations are used for a Rent Calculation Type of Certificate Caclulations which is set in the Unit Master.

Click on the links to view rent calculation information involving other program types:

The Voucher Calculation tab is used for the following program types:

Unless the Unit Master for the tenant has Certificate Calculation selected as the Rent Calc Type when the MR/Cert Calculation will be displayed.

For a program type of Home Ownership the tab will be shown as Home Ownership.

Rent Information

Rent to Owner

The program will display or allow entry of the amount of rent to be paid to the owner.

Bedroom Size

The program will show the number of bedrooms that have been set in the Unit Master or will allow entry of the number of bedrooms in the unit.

Utility Allowance

The program will display the amount of Utility Allowance, if any, based on the Utility Allowance Table associated with the Unit Master.  The user may edit or enter the utility allowance amount.

Gross Rent

The total gross rent will be displayed based on the rent to owner and the utility allowance amounts.

Monthly Payment Information

Tenant Rent

The program will calculate and display the amount of rent the tenant is to pay.

Utility Reimbursement

The amount of utility reimbursement, if any, is shown here.

HAP to Owner

The amount of housing assistance payment due to the owner is shown in this field.

Next Reg Payment Date

Enter the next regular payment date in a mmddyyyy or mmddyy format.

Percent of Income

The program will display the percent of income the tenant payment represents.


The comment field allows the user to enter a text notation regarding the rent calculation.

Owner Information

This area displays the Landlord name and number.



Retroactive Payment Information

Enter information in this area to schedule special payments for tenants and landlords.

Special payment information will be removed during the Section 8 Accounting Post process when the ending date has been reached or when the Quick Link option in Rent Calculation, to Send to Check Processing NOW is used.

Retro Begin Date

Enter the date the retroactive payments are to start in a mmddyy or  mmddyyyy format.   This field should be left blank if there are no special payments.

Retro End Date

Enter the date the retroactive payments are to stop in a mmddyy or  mmddyyyy format.  This field should be left blank if there are no special payments.

Special Landlord Payment

Enter an amount for the special payment to the landlord.  If the landlord is not to receive a special payment, leave this field blank.

Special payments will be paid to the landlord during the Section 8 Accounting Preparation process, unless the Send to Check Processing NOW option from the Quick Link menu is used.

The system will default to a pro rated rent amount based on the beginning and ending dates entered.  The default special payment information may be edited.

Click the prompt button at the end of the field to open the VMS Payment Breakdown view.  The Retro begin and ending dates will be displayed and a breakdown may be pre-entered.  Edit the information to the desired amounts.  The total must equal the Special Landlord Payment amount entered on the Retro/Special/Fees tab.  

The breakdown is only for VMS reporting purposes and is not a breakdown for the payment.

Special Tenant Payment

Enter an amount for the special payment to the tenant.  If the tenant is not to receive a special payment, leave this field blank.  

Special payments will be paid to the tenant during the Section 8 Accounting Preparation process, unless the Send to Check Processing NOW option from the Quick Link menu is used.

Click the prompt button at the end of the field to open the VMS Payment Breakdown view.  The Retro begin and ending dates will be displayed and a breakdown may be pre-entered.  Edit the information to the desired amounts.  The total must equal the Special Tenant Payment amount entered on the Retro/Special/Fees tab.

The breakdown is only for VMS reporting purposes and is not a breakdown for the payment.

Send to Check Processing NOW (Pay it now option)

After special landlord, tenant or both payment information is entered along with breakdown information for VMS reporting, a voucher or vouchers may be created and sent to the Voucher Selection Grid for the special payment(s) by using the Send to Check Processing NOW program from the Rent Calculation Quick Link menu.  During the creation process the special payment and breakdown information will be erased.  All of the vouchers will be created, dated with the date of the rent calculation's effective date and selected for payment.  The VMS date will be the GL Effective Date.

General Ledger information will be generated for the Section 8 Interface for the Special Payment vouchers created during the Send to Check Processing NOW process.

Special Tenant Rent

Enter an amount to pay the tenant rent.  If the tenant is not to receive a special payment, leave this field blank.

Special Owner Rent

Enter an amount to pay to the landlord.  If the landlord should not receive a special payment, leave this field blank.

Scheduled Payment Date

Enter a date for the one time special tenant and or landlord payment to be made.  Dates should be entered in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.  Leave this field blank if a special payment will not be made.

Payment Reduction Information

This area is used to enter an amount to reduce landlord or tenant rent payments by.  The reduction amounts may be forwarded to another vendor.

For Period From:

Enter a starting date for the period in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.  Leave this field blank if landlord and or tenant payments are not to be reduced.

To Date:

Enter the date to end the period for the reduction of landlord payments in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.  Leave this field blank if landlord and/or tenant payments are not to be reduced.

Landlord Deduction

Enter an amount to reduce landlord payments by.  Leave this field blank if landlord payments are not to be reduced.

Redirect To

Select a vendor to pay the amount deducted from the landlord payments to.  Leave this field blank if the reduction amount is not to be redirected to another vendor.

For example:

The landlord owes back taxes to the government.  The collection agency can be entered as a vendor and a portion of the landlord's rent payment may be redirected to the collection agency.

Tenant Deduction

Enter an amount to reduce the tenant payment by.  Leave this field blank if the tenant does not receive a payment or if the payment is not to be reduced.

Redirect To

Select a vendor to pay the amount deducted from the tenant to.  Leave this field blank if the tenant's payments have not been reduced or if the amount of the reduction is not to be paid to another vendor.

For Example:

The tenant owes back taxes.  Set up the agency to whom the taxes are owed as a vendor and select.  The reduction amount will be paid to the selected vendor.

Start Deduction on:

Enter a start date in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.  Leave this field blank if the landlord and/or tenant's payments are not to be reduced.

End After:

Enter the date to end the reduction of landlord or tenant payments in a mmddyy or mmddyyyy format.  Leave this field blank if landlord and/or tenant payments are not to be reduced.


Admin Fee

Enter the amount for the administration fee.   Leave this field blank if it does not apply.


Enter the amount of the hard to house fee, if any.  Leave this field blank if it does not apply.

FSS Escrow

Enter the amount of the FSS escrow fee.  Leave this field blank if it does not apply.

Retroactive/Deduction Comment

Use these fields to enter text comments regarding the entries made on this tab page.  

Comments entered here will not be erased when the Section 8 Accounting Post is run, but will be retained with a notation that it was sent to accounting with the process date.
